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When Monday came around, our papa looked the happiest. He was so excited for us to start at a new school. He woke up exceptionally early to make breakfast and ensured we had everything we needed. "I want the two of you to join at least one organization, so make sure to ask around!" Papa spoke.

"Can we join one together?" Matthew asked. I looked at our papa, and he began to think. "No! I don't want you two to rely on each other. Try different things! Meet different people! I expect you two to bring at least one different friend over eventually," papa spoke. I started to laugh at what he said, but he looked at me seriously.

"Oh? Dead ass?"

"YES! Dead ass? Whatever that means!"

"I expect effort! Don't waste your last two years being sad and lazy!"

I really wanted to be in the military or something.

"I would hope the two of you want to strive for University, but it is okay if not," papa spoke.

When we finished eating, our papa sent us off, and we began to walk toward the bus stop. "Do you think everything will be fine?" Matthew asked. "Who knows, I just want to get this over with," I spoke.

We stood at the sign waiting and noticed two familiar faces. "Great, don't look now; it's the homophobes," I whispered. "Alfred!" Matthew whispered. "What? It's true..." I whispered back.

"Hey! It's our neighbors!" Natalya laughed. Matthew and I both looked at them, and they were smirking. "Yeah, sure," I spoke. I rolled my eyes and pulled Matthew away from them. The bus began to pull up, and we waited for them to get on first. "Ready?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders, and I began to pull him. "Nothing but happy thoughts!" I cheered.

As soon as we began walking up the steps, there was a lot of noise. This is technically where I came from. Our surrogacy mothers were a Canadian/America woman. I must embrace where I came from! Even if this is my first time in the states!

"Come on!" I spoke. I spotted some seats, and I pulled Matthew to sit there. Students began to stare at us, and I could see how it made Matthew uncomfortable. I let him sit by the window, and I took the aisle seat. "Whoa! Are you two the new students?" A student suddenly turned around and looked at us.

"Yeah," I laughed.

"Where are you from?" Another asked.

"London, England," Matthew spoke.

"WHOA!!! TALK AGAIN! You sound so funny!" A girl spoke. "Uhh... I don't really want to..." Matthew spoke. "Oh, that's not a British accent! What is it?" Someone asked.

"We speak French and English," I spoke. I rolled my eyes at them and turned away. "French! Say something in French!" A guy laughed. Someone began to pull on Matthew's hair, and he swatted their hand out.

"Oh? Do you think you are better? Sorry, we don't talk all proper like you!" One of them mocked in a British accent. "Come on! Say something in French!" A guy began to shake me. I was starting to get really annoyed. "Can you stop?" I asked. I tried to move away, but someone pulled me back.

"We are neighbors with them! Their parents are fags!" Ivan suddenly laughed. My eyes widened, and students began to laugh. "Do you like it up the butt too?" Someone spoke. "Hey! That's inappropriate!" Matthew spoke. We were surrounded by students picking on us.

"Yeah! One of the dads died!" Natalya spoke. My eyes widened, and I felt enraged. "Aww! Poor little French boys!" They mocked. Someone began to pull my hair, and I looked up to see it was Ivan. "Don't touch me!" I glared. He kept smiling, and I tried to move away from him. "Where are you going? Come back!" He laughed.

"Hey! Come on, guys! Leave him alone!" Matthew tried to say. However, somebody pulled him back. This guy was so lucky I couldn't kick his ass. "What? I'll let you go if you speak French!" Ivan laughed. He began to push me around. "Stop it," I spoke. All the commotion started to intensify, and I looked over to ensure Mathew was okay.

"What? What will you do? Your fag of a father told you no fighting," he laughed. "Don't say that about my dad," I spoke. I looked at him, annoyed, and I clenched my fists. "Or what? What will happen? Will your other dad come and save him? OH WAIT! He's dead!" He laughed.

My eyes widened, and I immediately grabbed him.

"FIGHT!" Everyone cheered.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" They chanted.

The bus suddenly braked, and I nearly flew across the vehicle. Ivan held onto the seat, so I bumped into him a little. "WHO IS FIGHTING ON MY BUS?" The driver spoke. I let go of Ivan, and everyone began to disperse. "EVERYONE! Take their seats! Now!" The driver yelled.

Everyone nodded. And I quickly went to sit by Matthew. "Are you okay?" He asked in French. "Eh, sort of...just a little stunned," I whispered. "Should I text papa and tell him what happened?" He asked. "No, I don't want him to come to the school," I explained. Thank god the bus driver stopped everyone; I was about to punch Ivan. He is lucky too! I promised my papa I wouldn't fight.

"We should try walking tomorrow?" Matthew suggested. "No! I'm not afraid of them," I spoke. They act as if they've never seen people before. "I thought Boston was supposed to be LGBT friendly," Matthew said. "Me too, but I guess no matter what, there will be people who love to make fun of it. It is ridiculous if you ask me!" I spoke.

"What if the people at the school are like that too?" Matthew asked. "No! If they were, we would just ignore them; we do not need to deal with any of it," I spoke. Matthew nodded in agreement, but I could see how worried he looked.

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