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After school, I went to the photography club as planned. Alfred wanted to sit in the meeting, but I told him no since I just wanted to be alone. He begged me, but I told him to wait in the library or something.

The reason I joined this club was that Carlos insisted on it. I wasn't much of a photographer, but he said he thought I'd like it. Carlos is sort of my friend. He responded the same way as Kiku and didn't talk to me around people he knew might tell Ivan. So, as a resolution, he asked me to join the club he was in, and we could talk and hang out with each other. I think he and I were going to be excellent friends. I waited for him in the club room, and as I did, I was caught up on homework.

I stopped what I was doing, and I looked at the time. It was nearly five, and the meeting ended at five-thirty. I looked around, confused. No one was here yet, and I had already finished my homework. I began to put my stuff away, and I thought it was weird that he did not even stop by. No one else did! I was pretty sure he said two more people were in the club. I stood up from my seat and began to walk toward the door.

"Well, I guess I should just go home," I whispered. I went back into the room to grab my bag, and when I left, I still looked around the hall for someone. "I'll just text Alfred," I whispered. I took out my phone as I stood in the middle of the hall.

"I am done, be ready," is what I texted.

I looked at the screen, waiting for a response, but no response. He usually answers within seconds, so I found this odd. I would swipe up on my phone to see if any new messages would pop up, but nothing.

"Weird..." I whispered.

I lifted a brow, and suddenly arms wrapped around me.

My eyes widened, and I used my fast reflexes to think.

As the person wrapped their arms around me, I held their arms, bent my knees, and quickly rounded my back, so my head touched my knees. The person flew over me, and I immediately got into a fighting position. "Nice try!" I spoke.

Oh my! I'm so proud of myself!

I looked at the person lying on the ground, and my eyes widened, seeing it was Adnan. "Oh, fuck," I spoke. He was not going to be happy about this.

I quickly fixed my bag over my shoulders and promptly left while he was down. "Oh shit, oh shit, if he tries to fight me, I am no match," I spoke nervously.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" I heard him yell. I was approaching the stairs when I was about to start running. However, like some superhuman, he managed to catch up with me. Adnan grabbed me and forced me to look at him. "Let me go," I spoke. "You think you can do that and get away? You are an idiot!" He yelled. I began to pull myself away from him, but he gripped me harder.

"Stop moving! I'm going to teach you a lesson! Not to fuck with me," he hissed. My heart beat fast, and I felt him pull at my hair. "That hurts! Please stop!" I spoke. I started to fight back by pushing him away.

"I SAID!" I started. I grabbed his wrist, "GET OFF ME!" I yelled. I shoved him away from me and felt my breath get heavy. I felt my chest moving up and down as I tried to catch my breath. "Sorry, but I told you to stop," I added.

I quickly fixed my backpack and turned away from him. "FUCK YOU FAGGOT!" He yelled. I started walking down the steps when I felt a kick hit the middle of my back. My feet turned to mush, and I grew horrified.

He had kicked me so hard that I was flying over the stairs. I closed my eyes shut and used my arms to protect my face.

Within seconds, I felt my hit the ground, and pain rushed through my body. "GAHHH!" I cried. I slowly tried to move my arm, but my left arm looked terrifying. I held my left arm and grimaced in pain. "Help, I think my arms were broken," I cried. I looked up at Adnan, who quickly ran away.

What the fuck!

I felt sweat starting to fall from my forehead, and I didn't know what to do. "MATTHEW!" I heard a call. As I was about to turn my head, Alfred slid to the floor and turned around to help me. "Oh my god! Your arm is broken; what happened?" He spoke. He looked horrified, and I continued to hold myself.

I looked at him more carefully and noticed his hair was a mess. His shirt was undone, and it looked like he was making out with someone. His face was flushed, and I looked at him, ignoring my pain. "More like what happened to you?" I asked.

I was sweating, and he shook his head "bullshit, let me call papa," he spoke. I stopped him and looked serious, "Adnan did this; if you call, we won't be able to keep this a secret," I spoke. He looked at me seriously and nodded. "There is no need for that anymore," he said.

I nodded at him and continued holding my arm as he called papa. I could see him clutching his fist in anger as he waited for him to answer the phone. This is not going to end well; I know it. "Hey... no... Yes... Can you come now....okay....we will wait out front," Alfred spoke.

I was sure our papa was freaking out. "We will tell him what happened later; let's get you to a hospital," Alfred spoke. He grabbed my things and began to help me up. He put my arm over his shoulder and carefully walked with me toward the exit.

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