Nail Painting (Iruclarazz)

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From my ao3 fanfic, was requested by someone on there.

|Clara gets the good idea to paint Asmo and Irumas nails|
*1422 words*
It was another one of those misfits girls night with the addition of Ameri. Elizabetta brought up the idea of nail painting and the accessories you can put on your nails and showed everyone pictures from a magazine.

"Look look! My nails are green just like my hair! and my eyes! My mommy likes to do them every week!" Clara exclaims. "Oh it looks like we all have our nails painted already." Elizabetta says while holding out her hand. Keroli then speaks up, "I.. believe a lot of the boys have their nails painted too."

A small gasp escapes Clara and she looks down at her hands thinking. "Are you thinking of putting accessories on your nails Clara?" Elizabetta says while grabbing one of Claras hands to inspect it. "I've never really minded what my nails look like, I just matched it to my hair as my father says it looks nice." Ameri says, "But maybe it would be nice to accessorize it a bit as- ahem- I'm not the student counsel president at the moment."

Clara springs up from where she was sitting and puts her hands on her hips exclaiming, "Nope I have a better idea! Sorry I have to go see Azz-Azz and Iruma-chi now!" and then she runs out of the room. The three stay sitting confused for a moment, before Elizabetta starts using a spell to decorate Kerolis nails with little accessories to fit the ice queen.

Clara sees a fire burning some trash which she knows is Azz-Azz so she quickly rolls down the stairs to the outside and crash into the two knocking only Iruma over. "Iruma-sama! Oi Clara you don't just knock over Iruma-sama like that! He might get hurt!" Asmo exclaims. Iruma sits up rubbing his head telling the two it's fine.

Iruma then asks, "What are you doing here Clara? Thought you had some secret business that me or Azz can't know about?" Clara then brings Asmo to the ground (with him complaining about it) and sits next to Iruma with a mischievous smirk on her face.

"I just got the great idea that we should do something!" Clara responds to where Iruma asks again, "A game? Of course we can play with you, we were just burning some trash but we're free." Clara shakes her head and holds her hands out.

"Is something wrong with your hands?" Iruma says while grabbing one of them. Clara starts sputtering nonsense with a small blush before gaining her composure again, "No no of course not! Well its not exactly the fun fun games but it's still something I wanna do!"

"Something that isnt a game, that's quite new for you Clara." Asmo says, "But it clearly involves something with your hands so what is it?" Clara pats her pockets and some bottles of nail polish and bags of nail accessories she saw from the magazine earlier appear. "This is what I wanna do! To each other of course!"

picks up the pink vial "Nail polish? And whatever these little things are? Do you want us to paint each other's nails? Even though you and me have ours done already.." Clara just puffs out her cheeks and pats her pockets to get some nail polish remover and immediately starts putting it on her nails. "No worries! Here Azz-Azz."

She hands the nail polish remover to Asmo to which he does the same to his nails. "I noticed most de- everyone has their nails done or something, is there some reason behind it?" Iruma asks. "It's to just add to our look and all, like how my hair and eyes are pink so I paint my nails pink courtesy of my mother. Same applies for Clara and about everyone else."

"Ohh I guess I just never- knew as grandpa is more traditional-? So this will be my first time doing anything like this." Iruma says to where Asmo and Clara get excited, "Here Iruma-same I will paint your nails first then!" "No I will as it was my idea Azz-Azz!" And now the two start arguing over who will paint Iruma's nails.

"Azz-kun Clara- how about you each do one hand? Actually the same to apply to all of us, the other two do one persons hand. Oh and please don't turn it into a competition I'll love what you two do anyways." The two pout at each other even though its a good idea so they agree and each take a blue nail polish vial.

"Do not be copying me dear Clara" Asmo says with determination. "Dont worry Azz-Azz I would never dream of such a thing." Clara says with a smirk. Iruma just smiles as the two hold his hand still to paint on his nails. The other two are oddly quiet so that leaves Iruma to his thoughts and a small blush appears on his face as he processes that Asmo and Clara are holding his hand(s).

Around 20 minutes Iruma would say goes by when they both say they're done at the same time and now looks at their creations. On Asmos side we have more simple but sophisticated that had stick on fancy flowers and tiny dots. Claras side was a bit more chaotic with more random accessories on each nail. "Both are lovely, they match your personalities quite well!" Iruma exclaims with a big smile on his face.

The other two blush at the praise and then Clara speaks up, "Me next me next! I wanna see Azz-Azz and Iruma-chi do my nails!" The other two nod and also grab a light green nail polish. When the two grabbed Claras hands, her face brightened and forced herself to stay as still as possible. The two get to work with Iruma having slips up every now and then. The end result on Asmos side was pretty much the same for Irumas but instead of flowers were circles with a heart shape inside of it. For Irumas side however, it was quite a mess with nail polish being all over Claras hand and a lot of random circle and star accessories on her hand.

Clara laughs as she looks at her nails, "Azz-Azz just reminds me of him, and Iruma-chis look like someone I would do! I love both a lot!" Iruma lightly chuckles with a blush while Asmo clears his throat with barely visible blush as well. "Well now its my turn, please dont do anything too- crazy I still have a reputation here."

Clara pouts again while Iruma just nods and both grab a pink bottle of nail polish. Same with the other two when they take Asmos hand Asmos face is the same color as his hair. "Your hands are so big Azz-Azz have you ever noticed?" Clara says while putting her hand on top of his to compare. "Y-You cant compare properly when your hand is upside down to mine! Just do it after we're done here." Asmo says while Iruma just lightly laughs.

The end result for Asmos nails was very catastrophic even with him telling the two not to make it too crazy. Claras side was extra dramatic with the accessories of all different colors and basically covered all the new pink nail polish in the first place. Irumas side still had a lot of nail polish on everywhere but the nails and did simple accessories with dots and stars. "Your side is amazing of course Iruma-sama! and Clara I told you not to go overboard! But other then that its nice I guess." Asmo says admiring his nails.

"Oh oh we need a picture!" Clara says and somehow manages to grab her phone with her mouth and get to the camera (we dont ask how) and holds out her hands while the other two do the same. She takes the picture and spits her phone onto the ground for the guys to see. "Gross.. but the picture came out nice." Asmo says while Iruma nods again.

The next day in class Clara kept showing off to everyone that Asmo and Iruma did her nails and how pretty they were and made Iruma and Asmo show theres. Needless to say the next day after that the rest of the class had fancy schmancy nails.

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