Hair Braids (Iruma family)

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|Really just Opera and Iruma braiding each other's hair because well Sullivan doesn't have any so he just cries|
-actual simple oneshot length, nice
*690 words*
Iruma was lazing around on his free day with nothing to interrupt or bother him. He decides to go get a snack so he pushes himself off his bed and starts going to the kitchen.

When he gets there he sees Opera with their hair down which is odd cleaning the dishes from breakfast.

"Opera-san, I've never seen you with your hair down before." Iruma says. Opera looks over at Iruma, "Ah yes, my hair ties broke after using them for so long. Once I'm done with these dishes I'll go get some more."

Iruma suddenly gets a good idea, since he had to work part time as a hairdresser for kids that mostly wanted braids, he wanted to braid Operas hair but didn't know how to ask.

Opera notices how Iruma is looking at them and figures out what he wants, "Sure, you can braid my hair for me."

Iruma lights up glad he can do it and runs back to his room to grab his own hair ties that he has and comes to the living room where Opera is waiting on the couch.

Operas hair is kinda weird, kind of having a bowl cut with some random long hair in the back with it being down. Iruma questions why their hair is like this but doesn't ponder further.

He wraps the hair tie in his hand and grabs the long part of their hair starting to braid it not the same thick way Opera does but making it thinner so the braid is longer.

Once Iruma finishes he now finally hears the clicks of a camera to his side and he looks over to see Sullivan taking a million pictures.

Iruma let's go of the braid in surprise and embarrassment, "Grandpa-! What are you doing-" Sullivan slides over hugging Iruma as he picks him up spinning him around.

Iruma just accepts this and slightly laughs as Sullivan spins him around. Opera uses a mirror to see their hair and their ears twitch in amusement, "It looks good Iruma."

Sullivan sets Iruma down and Iruma can properly thank Opera, and then they say, "Now that Sullivan has had his moment, may I braid your hair as well Iruma?"

Iruma nods excitedly and sits on the couch as well. Sullivan turns into eggy Sullivan and starts lightly punching Opera shoulder, "You never asked to braid my hairrrr Opera."

Iruma looks over to Sullivan surprised, "Ah grandpa- I don't think Opera can-" Opera cuts him off by saying, "Master Sullivan used to have very long hair, back when I was in high school."

Iruma says 'oh' trying to imagine Sullivan with long hair as he's used to a bald Sullivan now. Eggy Sullivan sits on the floor starting to cry and spouting out how Opera and especially Iruma can't braid his hair cause he has none in the first place.

Iruma is trying his best not to laugh at his poor grandpa as Opera starts messing with Irumas hair, mostly trying to get his hair to go down so that his braids don't just go to the sides.

Eventually Opera gets his hair straight down and gives him two decent size braids to the side of his head.

Opera gives Iruma a mirror when they're done to let him see. Iruma looks amazed, "It looks so nice Opera!" And Opera responds with a thank you.

Sullivan, stoping his crying, instantly shoots up to start taking a million more pictures. Iruma just lightly laughs and thinks, Honestly this is a probably a pretty cute look for Irumi. I'll try this hairstyle next time I help Keroli.

"Why don't I use a transformation spell to give me hair!" Sullivan exclaims. "No, lord Sullivan, you can't just do that." Opera calmly says which makes Sullivan start wailing again.

Iruma sighs with a smile, They honestly are the best family I could've hoped for. Oh! Tomorrow at school I should ask to braid Asmo and Clara's hair.

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