Hearing Injury (Jazz/Lied)

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|During the Walter park incident, while Jazz's group is fighting the beast, Lied takes more a hit then he thought|
-title and chapter requested by LeonaMherize
-when Lied took the monsters hearing he honestly should've burst an eardrum so here we are
*931 words*
Jazz was quickly coming up with a plan, thanks to Kalego pointing out the whistle he had.

What the said plan was that Kamui would talk to the birds and create a distraction, then Lied would take the creatures hearing, then Jazz would fly to it's ear and use the whistle, and then Gaap can defend them against any blows.

The four bump each other's fists as they totally got this. They start to execute the plan and everything is going well surprisingly.

Then when Lied takes the creatures hearing, it seems to know what Lied did and let's out a loud roar. Lied instantly covers his ears and hears a type of gunshot sound right in his ears followed by loud ringing.

Lied sits there stunned with a wide eyes expression hovering his hands over his ears. His ears are pounding which are hurting a lot.

Jazz is hanging onto the beasts ear and looks at Lied in worry. He sees Lied in pain and won't tell him the next part of the plan to give back his hearing.

Gaap soon notices Lied in distress but can't do anything about it as he is trying to deflect the beasts attack.

Lied automatically stops using his bloodline ability which make his ears go back to normal. Jazz notices and then uses the whistle using most of his mana.

The beast falls and the 4 go to the ground in celebration. Except that Jazz is worried for Lied as he looks scared.

Jazz waves his hand in front of Lied, "Lied? Are you okay?" Lied just looks at Jazz scared and keeps his hands next to his ears and says with a whisper as he can't hear, "I can't hear anything Jazz."

Jazz instantly goes into shock, as do Kamui and Gaap when they heard this. Gaap tries clapping next to Lieds ears but it does nothing, as Lied can only hear ringing.

Jazz has never seen Lied this genuinely scared before, Lied is scared he might have lost his hearing forever. Jazz sits Lied down and grabs onto his hands to move them away from his ears.

Jazz doesn't know how to comfort Lied in this situation, so all he can do is rub his thumbs on Lieds hands to try and comfort him.

Jazz suddenly hears the beast about to attack and Lied is not aware at all as it is behind him. Jazz pulls Lied towards him in a defensive matter and doesn't know how they will get out of this.

Luckily for them, Kalego has stepped in, gave them a short lecture and defeated the beast with ease for good.

No one celebrated, which made Kalego pretty confused, and he looks back at the guys trying to tend to Lied.

As much as Kalego can be a stoic pain, his first duty is to protect his students from foreign harm and care for them. So he quickly goes over to Lied where Jazz is essentially hugging kind of in shock.

Kalego quickly says, "What happened? Is Lied injured?" Jazz looks over to Kalego with a worried expression and nods. Kalego clicks his tongue and kneels down to the two trying to see what's wrong with Lied.

Jazz stops hugging Lied as he realizes what he is doing and pushes him forward holding him up. Jazz then tells Kalego, "He says he lost his hearing and can't hear anything. It must've been when he took the beasts hearing."

Kalego looks at how much discomfort Lied is in, "If he busted his eardrums which I think he did if he can't hear, I can't do anything at the moment. Even without proper healing magic it should heal by itself in around a month. Once everything calms down we'll take Lied to get his hearing fixed."

The 3 that could hear that just nod and look at Lied worried because they can't do anything to help him right now. They also don't know how to tell Lied that he'll get help eventually but just not now.

Lied still looks worried about his hearing, and also because it hurts with the pounding and the ringing. He looks around to see if they're still in danger and then looks at Jazz.

Jazz brings his hand to the back of the Lieds neck and lightly pulls him forward to make Lied rest his head on his shoulder.

Lied (with his face now hidden) has a small blush and keeps his hands to his side. Jazz also has a small blush on his face but is more worried for Lied.

Kalego indicates that the two should get up and says, "We should get going and make sure everyone else is safe, but Lied is out of commission for now."

The 3 that can hear nod at Kalego, and since Lied didn't hear it Jazz uses both of his hands to lift up Lead and hold him like a toddler getting up.

Lieds blush increases and just keeps his face hidden. Gaap tries not to chuckle at the two as Kalego but walks ahead and they follow.

Jazz looks at Lied and sighs, patting his head and starting to follow the rest. I'll get stronger and increase my rank Lied, so I can protect you easier and make sure you never get a permanent or life threatening injury.

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