Cherry Blossoms (Iruazz)

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|Iruma and Asmo go cherry blossom viewing|
-I'm not dead and I came back after a few months, whoopsie
*1095 words*
It was another day, well more of a free day then anything. Today was a day that the principal and Ms Suzy brought together to mostly admire the giant cherry blossom tree and encouraging students to try and make it.

Everyone was pretty much just happy for the free day, as most of them were not going to actually try and make one of Iruma's creations. The only students that really tried were some of the higher classes and the misfit class.

At least this time Iruma knew what not to do, so this time he was preoccupied making smaller versions of the tree in some sort of tree pots you could say. Asmo and Clara found him at some point however, and heavily distracted him.

Clara was busy with Iruma playing with him while Asmo was standing more to the side looking at the smaller versions of the cherry blossom tree Iruma recently made.

Asmo let his thoughts wander despite all the noise from Clara and Iruma, Iruma made this.. and no one actually knows what kind this is.. so did Iruma make this from his own head? It wasnt inspired by me.. right? I mean- just because my hair and eyes are pink doesnt mean Iruma would base a beautiful plant like this off me right..

Asmo gets jolted out of his thoughts when a ball is hurtled towards his face but luckily his reflexes caught it before he registered it was there. Iruma runs over to him with his signature smile and an apology taking back the ball.

All Asmo could do was get lost in those eyes once more and simply nod back at Iruma telling him it's fine. When Iruma ran back to Clara Asmo couldn't take his eyes off of Iruma. It was no secret that he really liked- or well loved Iruma. He's admired him from day 1 of meeting him after all.

While Iruma was playing, he just now remembered what he was supposed to be doing so he has to force Clara to stop playing so that he can go back to his cherry blossom duties. He notices Asmo just staring at him while holding a cherry blossom petal so he asks, "You like the cherry blossom petals right? I mean, you do match them pretty well, you're both pink."

Iruma laughs at the end of his sentence making Asmo slightly blush. Iruma takes the small petal from Asmo looking at it and looking back at the trees he has made, "Hm, I guess it would be around the time where the petals would start falling.." Iruma gasps a bit, remembering what humans do at this time of occurrence.

Iruma would love to spend the cherry blossoms falling with both of his bestest friends Clara and Asmo, but he decides to be a bit selfish and only want Asmo with him for that moment.

Iruma does his best to usher Clara away to go do something, feeling bad that she will be left out, but hoping that the presence of Asmo will make it feel better. Asmo doesn't even notice that Clara left until he realizes how quiet it is and Iruma is back at his side.

"Is something wrong Iruma-sama? How come Clara left?" Asmo asks.

Iruma grabs onto Asmos hand and drags him over to the row of larger cherry blossoms lining the pathway. Asmo is struck with confusion and a small blush on his face.

Iruma let's go of Asmos hand and drops to the ground patting the grass next to him. Asmo slowly sits on his knees staring at Iruma.

Asmo takes a second to look at the trees surrounding and then back at the more beautiful sight of Iruma, "Iruma-sama.. may I ask what the meaning of this is?"

Iruma smiles at Asmo specifically, "Well, ah- it was a tradition in my family that when I made a cherry blossom tree, we would sit under it as the petals fell, mostly because of how beautiful it was."

I can't tell him that it was a human world thing for couples to do, so I never actually experienced this for myself, I feel bad for lying. Iruma thinks.

Asmo lightly smiles as well, "That sounds like a nice tradition Iruma-sama, your family is always full of surprises other demons have no idea of. I'm so glad I get to be one of the few demons to personally experience this tradition of yours with you Iruma-sama."

Iruma slightly blushes at how formal Asmo was with his words. "Now now Azz-kun, you don't have to make it seem like you're that special, I would show pretty much anyone this."

Asmo just quietly replies, "But you are only showing me, because you had Clara leave."

Iruma covers half his face as he was caught and is slightly blushing. Asmo covers his mouth to stop him from laughing at the sight.

Soon enough the petals start to fall, which one falls on Irumas nose making him notice and uncover his face.

Asmo takes the petal off of Irumas nose and looks up at the trees seeing the petals start to fall. They both lightly gasp relishing in the sight.

After a few seconds of staring at the petals fall around them Asmo looks back at Iruma and his heart almost stops. Iruma is sitting there with a wide smile on his face with his eyes full of excitement.

Asmo moves closer to Iruma and takes a petal out of his hair, that makes Iruma notice his presence and blush at the close proximity.

Asmo lightly chuckles and says, "Doesn't this seem a bit romantic? I know you said that this was a family tradition of yours but, I'm not family. So to make it normal don't I have to be part of your family?"

Iruma looks at Asmo a bit confused before he gets it, "Oh like you mean being my brother? That would honestly be amazing!"

Asmo feels an arrow go through his heart puncturing him and he starts to bleed at the mouth from the rejection he just got.

"A-Azz-kun?! Are you alright?!" Iruma exclaims using his sleeve to wipe the blood from Asmos mouth. Asmo pulls himself together telling Iruma it's alright.

Asmo puts a hand to his chest, I meant marriage, but I guess now is a little too soon to speak on that.

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