Protection (Iruma and Kalego)

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|Iruma by himself gets really hurt, but as a last resort he calls for his familiar|
-Kalego being a worried father figure, takes place before second year
-inspired by a request
-angst to fluff
*1151 words*
Iruma decided he needed to get stronger, and he didn't want to burden anyone because they all have their high expectations that he already is strong.

He can't ask his family either, they're always so busy and he doesn't have the heart to ask.

That is why he decided to venture alone to a part of the netherworld that is known for having strong enemies to fight against.

It's in a forest far away from the built upon netherworld, and there is a barrier around it to keep the creatures inside, kind of like the harvest festival.

There's warnings that only a certain rank should enter these woods if they dare. But Iruma was confident he could at least come out unharmed due to his dodging ability.

He came up with the excuse that he was going to visit Asmo and Clara so that his family wouldn't get worried.

It took him a while to walk there, since he couldn't fly, but now he stands in front of the barrier protected forest. The forest has an ominous atmosphere to it that makes Iruma nervous.

Ali-San appears out of the ring since he knows they're alone. He sits on the ring as he leans his face on his hand and looks up at Iruma.

"So, why are we here? It's pretty dangerous you know for a kiddo like you" Ali-San says as he glances at the forest.

Iruma sighs looking at Ali-San, "Because I need to get stronger, and I don't want to burden anyone.."

"You literally have a master to help you get stronger, that pinkie pie demon with the bow" Ali-San retorts.

"I-I know! But.. I think I'm pretty okay with the bow, but I really need to learn more magic and make that stronger" Iruma says as he takes a step into the forest.

Ali-San flies back and grabs onto the collar of Irumas shirt to try and pull him back, but to no avail.

"If you need help with magic then ask Sullivan! It's his magic after all in this ring!" Ali-San says struggling.

"Like I said I don't want to burden anyone! I need.. to learn how to get strong by myself" Iruma says looking off into the forest and walks ahead against Ali-sans protests.

Ali-San knows he won't be able to convince Iruma, so he floats to sit on Irumas shoulder.

It's quiet for a while, before Irumas instincts kick in and he summons his bow to shoot an arrow.

There's a loud screech heard and what sounds like something collapsing. Iruma hesitantly walks over to see the body of some creature. His instincts made him shoot right at the creatures heart.

Ali-San whistles in astonishment, "Impressive Iruma, however you said you wanted to improve your magic?"

"I- my instinct just took over and my first reaction was to summon my bow.." Iruma says as he makes his bow disappear into particles.

Unbeknownst to him, there was a creature stalking him that had a special ability that it couldn't be detected. This creature lunges at Iruma, but Iruma still has his instincts to where he barely dodges the creatures fangs.

Iruma becomes frozen on the spot at the sight of this creature, it was something he's never seen before, and had the body of 3 different animals, a lion, a goat, and a snake.

Before he knew it, the creatures body contorted to attack him at all sides, there was no way for Iruma to dodge this even if he tried.

The snake part wrapped around his neck to restrict his breathing, the goat slammed its head into Irumas back temporality paralyzing him, and the lion went to bite at Irumas face.

However, the lion didn't get the chance to bite into anything, as lightning brightens the area and strikes into the lion.

The lion falls back which makes the snake tighten around Irumas neck. Something slices the snake perfectly without injuring Iruma further.

Irumas vision is all dazed from the strike to the back and the asphyxiation. He can tell something strikes down the goat part but he passed out before he can see what happened.

Well, what happened was that, when the creature went to attack Iruma, Ali-San quickly summoned a familiar summoning sticker and moved Irumas hand up. That was the only thing Ali-San was capable of doing himself since he can't use the magic in the ring without Iruma initiating it.

Irumas familiar is stuck in his fluffy form but he uses his bloodline magic to keep Iruma from collapsing to the ground.

Due to Iruma going unconscious, his familiar goes back to his normal form, to be none other then Kalego-sensei.

Kalego transfers Iruma into his own arms to get a better look at him. His eyebrows furrow as he frowns heavily.

Iruma slightly awakens and winces in pain. He sees a blurry image of Kalego looking disappointed and even worried at him?

"You stupid student.. what were you thinking? Why didn't you call me sooner?!" Kalego hisses out.

Iruma can't speak as he breathes heavily as he recovers. His lip trembles as he tries his hardest but he can't help but tear up.

Kalegos eyes only widen more as his furious expression changes to one of concern.

"Explain yourself." Kalego says as sternly as he can as he doesn't know what to do in this situation.

Iruma takes in a shaky breath as the tears start to fall down his face, he doesn't want to look this weak in front of his teacher, but he can't move his hands to cover his face.

"I-I.. just wanted to get stronger.." Iruma says weakly.

Kalego sighs heavily and shakes his head, "You can't be this reckless, what would've happened if you didn't summon me? Do you know how many people you would've worried if you got really hurt?!"

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." is all Iruma can muster out.

Kalego sighs again as he makes his bloodline ability lightly grab onto the back of Irumas collar and he lets go of Iruma.

"I'm taking you home, and you're in for a lecture, also for wasting my time" Kalego says much more softly then earlier, not actually meaning the last part of his sentence.

Kalego hates the idea of it, but he is Irumas familiar, and the point of having a familiar is for them to protect their master.

Kalego is going to have a long talk with Iruma later to get rid of any stupid ideas he has in his head about not needing help, that's literally what his teachers are there for.

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