Picture Book (Kalego/Shichiro)

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|Shichiro decides to confess to Kalego with something that very much fits his personality, with a picture book|
-written by my friend
*962 words*
"And don't forget to study for your mythical biology chapter 6 test tomorrow!" Says Shichiro to his class.

At this he sat back down at his desk working on another personal project as his students left the room. But one student was curious at what his next picture book was about.

"Hey Shichiro-sensei, I see you're making a new picture book. What's my next book going to be about?" Iruma curiously asked.

"Oh, Iruma, you surprised me I thought you left class already. But this one isn't going to be yours, I already have one made for you." Said Shichiro.

"I can't wait to start reading it. But if you already made one, then who's this one for?" Iruma asked.

"I, uh, well, this one is actually for Kalego-kun." Shichiro responded, slightly blushing under his mask.

"Oh, well if you want me to I can read it once you're done before you give it to Kalego-sensei for I always enjoy reading your books." Iruma offers to Shichiro.

"That's very kind of you, but I want this to stay between him and I. Plus I don't exactly know what to make it about. He isn't really the guy to like many things outwardly." Shichiro says to Iruma.

"Hmm, well whenever I am thinking of a gift for Asmo, I always try to give a gift that tells him my favorite parts of who he is. If that helps you at all. " Iruma says, slightly blushing to mention his boyfriend to his teacher.

"Hey that's not a bad idea there, Iruma. I think I can work with that, thanks." Says Shichiro.

"No problem, now I should go now so I can walk home with my friends, have a good day." Iruma says on his way out of Shichiro's classroom.

"Oh wait, don't forget your picture book before you leave Iruma!" Shichiro exclaims making sure Iruma gets his book.

It is now after-school, and Shichiro is working on his picture book, for he wants it to be perfect for Kalego and hopefully give it to him when he goes over tomorrow for dinner.

-Timeskip to after-school tomorrow-

Finally, I can go see Kalego-kun now! Thought Shichiro to himself, excited but also nervous to finally confess to Kalego tonight. And now he knocks on the door, hair tied back and wearing a nicer outfit than his usual clothing, and his gifts by his side in a little cloth bag.

"Hey, good to see you Shichiro. Come on in." Kalego says after opening the door.

Right after Shichiro comes in he takes off his mask to get comfortable and relaxes on a sofa in the room. And after taking off his mask, he smells an aroma coming from the kitchen.

"Hey, what are you cooking that smells so good?" Shichiro asks.

"It's devil's rice and chicken, if that's alright with you. And here's some Hell gray tea for you too." Kalego responds coming in from the kitchen to sit down next to Shichiro.

"My favorite, thank you, Kalego-kun. So how's the Misfit Class going?" Shichiro says, trying to start some easy conversation before dinner.

"They are a headache as usual, but they are improving at an incredible rate. I'm glad to see them all coming along, but they need to make sure they are not slacking and continue progressing. But make sure not to tell them, their egos are big enough as it is." Kalego gives a smirk to Shichiro at this.

"That's great news to hear, and don't worry they won't know a thing." Shichiro says, chuckling at the thought of Kalego's students hearing this.

At this point dinner is ready, so they both get up and get themselves served before having dinner. At this point Shichiro dives right in to Kalego's meal.

"Mmm, this tastes great Kalego, thanks for making dinner." Shichiro says.

"No problem, glad to see someone enjoy my cooking." Kalego responds.

"Hey, Kalego-kun, I have been wanting to give you something ever since I came in." Shichiro says as he grabs his picture book and hands it across the table to Kalego.

"Shichiro, what's this?" Asks Kalego, surprised to see himself on the cover.

"Well, it's a picture book. But not like my other ones that are about mythical creatures. This one is about you." Shichiro says as Kalego methodically flips through the pages, looking at every picture and word.

"I have wanted to say for a while that I love you. And I didn't know how demons confess to one another or how I would confess to you, but I thought that it would be easiest if I confessed by a picture book." Shichiro said, blush no longer able to be hidden from behind his mask since it was removed.

"Shichiro, this has our entire history together. When we first met, to when we met Opera-senpai, and when we first became teachers together at Babyls." Said Kalego to Shichiro.

"Yeah, I wanted to highlight every big moment I've had with you to emphasize that each moment is better than the last. That I love you and hope to make many more precious moments with you." Shichiro says blushing even more.

"Shichiro, this is your best picture book you've made. I too want to spend more time with you. And there is no other person I could love but you." Kalego says, realizing this is the first moment he has really opened up.

"So do you want to read it together after dinner then?" Asked Shichiro.

"I would be delighted." Kalego responded, glad that Shichiro opened up to him.

" Kalego responded, glad that Shichiro opened up to him

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(Photo courtesy from the friend that made the chapter)

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