Confession Joke Part 2 (Kalego/Opera)

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|continuation of part 1, but this time we got the fluff/comfort|
-my friend has came back late to write part 2 since they did part 1
*1035 words*
The day after the dance Opera was nowhere to be seen at school for obvious reasons. They were devastated. They couldn't believe that Kalego would do such a mean spirited thing, and even after all they tried to do for him. Meanwhile Kalego was as happy as could be.

"Good morning Shichiro-kun. Today is going to be a great day, you know why?" Asked Kalego in their morning class.

"No, this looks like a usual day." Responded Shichiro.

"Well, Opera isn't here today, now we won't have to see them at all today," said Kalego excitedly.

"Wait, they aren't here? Why, they seemed fine yesterday. Actually, they seemed really happy. Their tail was wagging and their ears were perked up." Thought Shichiro aloud.

"They were fine yesterday, but then I finally got back at them  for all they've done to us and now they aren't going to be bothering us anymore," said Kalego.

"What did you do to them, Kalego-kun?" Asked Shichiro worried.

"Alright, so they confessed to me saying they loved me. That was a moment of weakness I could use. So when they asked me if I would go to the dance that was yesterday, I said sure I would go to a dance. And when they got there, I asked a teacher to give them a letter I had, and you know what it said?" Asked Kalego.

"No, I don't." Responded Shichiro slightly irritated with Kalego.

"It said something along the lines of, 'ha, I said I would go to a dance, that doesn't mean this one. I know you were just planning to torment me.'" Said Kalego.

"Alright Kalego-kun, that's just too far." Said Shichiro angrily.

"What do you mean, isn't it good you're free?" Asked Kalego confused.

"It's not. In fact I was free since us three became friends. You and them were the only people that weren't making fun of me for reading picture books and wearing my mask. I even showed them a drawing and they didn't make fun of it. And it's the same for you Kalego-kun. You were always annoyed by your classmates and their antics. But then you gained 2 new friends that enjoyed your company." Stated Shichiro.

"You're saying that Opera and I are friends? You know what they have us do, right?" Asked Kalego in disbelief.

"Yeah, I do, they order you around because they like you. Haven't you noticed that you get bossed around the most out of us too? And you're the one that gets chocolates and friendly greetings in the morning. They don't just want to be friends, Kalego-kun, they love you."

At this Kalego slightly blushed. "By bossing me around they love me?" Asked Kalego.

"Yes, from what I have seen from students, those demons who try to boss around one student only means that they probably like them. They like that they have someone who will bring them food or help them out, for they find that intimate. And deep down I think you like them too." Said Shichiro.

At this Kalego was now fully blushing. For as long as he had known Opera, he disliked being a servant. Or at least that's what he told himself.

Maybe I do like them. Maybe that's why I act mean back towards them and make sure I get their stuff to them quickly. And that's why I jumped in the hallway. Nobody would actually fight me, I was just flustered by how close he got to me. Thought Kalego.

"S-S-Shichiro, you're right. They do love me, they are the only one besides you that can see me past my, apparently as you called it, scary appearance. And I think I love them back too, but it's too late now, I've pushed them away enough to where they will never love me back." And at this Kalego started to cry.

Shichiro came and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "I don't think it's too late, they wouldn't be discouraged that easily. You have to be honest with them now and make sure they know you love them. You have to open up." Reassured Shichiro.

"Shichiro-kun, you are the wisest demon I've met." Admitted Kalego.

And at this Kalego was determined with some help from Shichiro to open up to Opera. The next day Opera wasn't seen at the start of the day or at lunch, so he had to go where he knew they would be. Back at the rooftop where they first met. So he went up the stairs leading to the rooftop during lunch. And there they stood facing outwards.

"So my servant has come to mock me again?" Asked Opera with no tone in his voice.

"No, I wanted to apologize Opera-senpai." Said Kalego.

At this Opera was unphased.

"I wanted to apologize for leaving you at the dance. I was just trying to push you away because I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to open up to you and I wanted to get back at you for making me your servant. I'm sorry." Said Kalego slightly shaky in his voice.

"You mean it? It's not a joke?" Asked Opera.

"I mean it all. I love you too." Said Kalego with all his courage.

Opera waited a moment to take it in before his ears slightly lifted up and his tail started to wag again. "I love you too, Naberius. And at this they embraced one another's arms.

"Can you keep this secret for a bit? I'm still kind of embarrassed that I opened up." Asked Kalego nervously.

"Sure we can keep this our little secret for a bit." Said Opera calmly.

And with this, they made sure that they would set aside a day or two a week where they could be alone with one another and go out on dates, dances, or even to one another's homes. And when they were at school, they made sure to tease one another, although Opera loved to tease Kalego much more.

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