Reunion (Iruma + his parents)

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|Iruma, now the demon king, decides to pay a visit to his old parents|
-I'm coming up with fake names for this so I don't have to keep typing Iruma. So the mom is Lindsey and the dad is Zach. No offense to anyone with those names haha.
*1984 words*
Iruma Suzuki, the king of the demon realm, is a human. Yes he was born to human scumbag parents but he can also thank them for selling him or else this wouldn't have happened.

Iruma sits up on his throne now actually thinking, I'm not sure how much time has passed in the human world, but it's been 20 years down here, I've been demon king for a while, why don't I go pay those humans a visit?

Iruma fully stands up and stretches his arms and calls for his right hand man, Asmodeus Alice, who Iruma knows is in love with him, a lot of people are, but he just can't be with someone.

Asmo comes quickly and bows to Iruma until Iruma makes him stand up again and to stop bowing to him. "Alice, I'm going to take a small trip and won't be available for I'm not sure how long. Can you go find Sabro and tell him to be in charge until I'm back? He is the second most qualified demon to be the demon king after all." Iruma says.

Asmo looks at Iruma in shock, "What? You're leaving- I must go with you!" Iruma shakes his head and says, "Go tell Sabro, until I come back you are to be his plus one, so follow whatever he says and make sure everyone knows."

Asmo looks sad at Iruma slowly nodding and leaving the throne room. Alright, let's finally test out the spell grandpa taught me a long time ago. Iruma thinks.

Ali-San appears out of thin air and transforms to his smaller form landing on Irumas shoulder, "You're trying to go to the human world Iru-boy? Let me come with so I can manage the ring, it could go berserk because of all the humans around since it's a demon made object."

Iruma nods at Ali as a yes to come and gathers some mana to open a portal and it succeeds. Iruma looks back at his throne room and goes through the portal closing it as he walks through.

Ali clings to Iruma as they are essentially shot through the cosmos and it takes a minute for Ali to stop being dizzy and realize they are floating in the sky of the human world.

Ali says, "Wow, it's much more colorful here, hopefully I can even contain myself around all these humans."

Iruma lightly taps Ali, "You know I'm a human and can absolutely destroy your existence, keep that in mind." Ali slightly nods as he remembers how Iruma has slightly changed, becoming a lot more menacing then he was when he first came.

Iruma looks around and recognizes he managed to be transported to Japan. He smiles at how pretty the cities look and all the scenery.

Iruma then casts a spell to find the exact location of his parents and soon enough sees their outline in a building, "Found them Ali-San, it's time to introduce you to my scum bag parents." he says with a smile on his face.

Iruma, despite having no wings, uses a spell to stay afloat and then float down towards the building. On the way down he transforms his clothes to something casual and puts on a pair of detection warding glasses.

Once Iruma landed he sees that he landed in front of a retirement home, "Oh, they must have gotten pretty old, psh I knew they were probably going to live in a retirement home if I wasn't here."

Ali-San just questions when Iruma got so- rude? Sure he's looked through his memories and all and seen how bad his parents were but this is new.

Iruma enters the building and follows the outline until he sees a door labeled with his last name. Found you two Iruma thinks as he opens the door walking into the room closing it behind him and using a spell to make this room soundproof.

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