Human (Iruazz)

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I really paid my friend $5 to write this for me so that's why writing style may be a bit different
|Asmo finds out Iruma is a human|
-angst to fluff
*1327 words*

It was the end of a school year, and everyone was excited for what they were going to do for summer. Amusement parks, water parks, sleeping in past noon. All of these were top of the list. But Asmodeus had other plans.

You see, Asmodeus had loved Iruma since the moment he met, well fought him, but you get the idea. And over the school year his friendship has grown with Iruma. But he was looking for more than friendship. So tonight he plans to invite Iruma to a new restaurant since he likes to eat, and confess to him there.

The perfect romantic plan, but now he just has to muster up the courage to message Iruma. He reaches for his Hellphone on his bedside table and messages the saved contact of Iruma.

"Hey Iruma, I was wondering if you would like to go to a new restaurant that opened up. I can meet you then if you have nothing else to do. "

Clara was on a week-long trip with her family, so it would just be him and Iruma. So now he waits for a response from Iruma, desperately hoping that he will say yes.

"Hey Asmodeus, thanks for asking. Nothing has gone on for a week now since everyone else is busy with something. So I would love to go and try out a new restaurant! See you then," messaged Iruma.

Love, he said love?!?! Thought Asmodeus. Seeing that made him overjoyed and excited for tonight. And while he still has to confess, he will just have to muster up the courage for to tonight.

-Timeskip to the date time-

It is now time, and Asmodeus is still as nervous as he was this morning. But now is the time to go fly to Iruma, so he swallows his fear. He makes sure he has everything he needs and heads out the door. It's not like too long of a flight and eventually he sees Iruma outside his home, which causes Asmodeus to fly faster to see him quicker.

"Hey Iruma, you ready for something good to eat?" Asks Asmodeus.

"Yeah, I'm ready to eat, so where is this new place?" Asks Iruma.

"It's out north of here, only a couple of minutes by flight, we can do that."

Wait, fly? He said nothing about flying. What am I going to tell him? Thought Iruma. "Um, my, um, wings are tired from flying around my house today with Oji-san, how about we use the cart to get there." Said Iruma nervously, hoping the excuse would work.

"Sure, we can do that." But he just said he has done nothing for over a week, his wings couldn't possibly be tired, Asmo wondered.

So they both get in Sullivan's cart and ride their way to the restaurant, only taking a couple of minutes until they get there.

"Alright, you two have fun. Especially you Iruma-kun!" Says Sullivan, with emphasis on 'kun'.

"Thanks Oji-san, see you in around an hour!"

Sullivan is overjoyed at the name of Oji-san, and rides off as a happy eggy-grandpa.

"So, where is this new restaurant, I'm starving," Asks Iruma.

"It's right down this block, it's called Hell's Kitchen, and I've heard that it's opening day had great reviews." Says Asmo.

"Huh, can't help but think I've heard of that name before." Says Iruma as they both walk down to the restaurant together. They walk in to the multitude of smells emanating from the kitchen, and are promptly seated at a table for two.

"Wow, this place is so fancy, thanks for bringing me here," Says Iruma.

"It's my pleasure to have you with me tonight." Said Asmo, slightly nervous in his voice.

They survey the vast array of food, and eventually their waiter takes their order, Iruma's being much bigger than Asmodeus'. And as they wait for their meal, they decide to talk about what they want to do this summer, and what classes they might take next year.

"You know, I really want to take more of Balam-senseis classes next year. And Suzy's demonic biology too." Says Iruma, excitedly.

"Really? So you're into the living things of the underworld and the possible overworld? I guess it makes sense, you were pretty good at that for the last year exam. I plan to help out more with the library and try to strengthen my powers." Says Asmo.

"Yeah, that stuff really clicks for me, plus I think it's really neat too. Oh, the library. I love it there, lots of good reading material that suits you Asmo. You are just the model student for our school." Says Iruma, slightly blushing.

Me, model student? Iruma really thinks that? Thought Asmo. "T-thanks Iruma." He says, still in shock by that compliment and Iruma's slight blush.

Dinner arrives, and Iruma, as always, has a mountain of food in front of him, barely able to see Asmo across the table. They both begin eating, and eventually they both finish their 5-star meals, Iruma somehow finishing before Asmo's single serving.

"Mmm, that was great!" Exclaims Iruma.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Says Asmo, slightly upset that he didn't get the courage to confess.

They both split the check, and wait outside for Sullivan to pick them up. And as they wait, Asmo wraps his arm around Iruma.

"Hey, Iruma, I wanted to tell you something before we go."

"Sure, what do you want to tell me?"

"I-I lo-" and before Asmo could finish what he was saying, he felt something on Iruma's back. Or, in this case, he didn't feel anything. Not even the spot where his wings would be.

"Hey Iruma, where are your wings?" Asks Asmo.

"What do you mean, they are on my back-" Wait, I don't have wings, and he just felt my back. Oh no, what am I going to tell him. If he finds out, he'll eat me. Iruma starts panicking, and decides to try to explain-

"Are you a human?" Is that why you have no wings, why you are so good at demon biology and overworld theory?" Asks Asmo, conflicted over how to respond to the possible answer

Iruma gives.

"I-I, uh, alright... I am a human, but please don't eat me, or tell anyone else, I'm just trying t-to live." And here Iruma started to cry, for he didn't know if he was going to live or, if he did, how much he was going to lose. If he would lose Asmo, the person that meant the most to him in this underworld.

Here, Asmo was conflicted. Was it okay to love a human? Was that even allowed? Could he keep it a secret? But then he realizes that, all this year, he had loved a human. Love knows no bounds. And this was the deciding factor for his final feeling.

So he hugs Iruma tightly, and whispers to him, "Iruma, I love you. I could never not love you, even if you're a human. For you're the person I respect the most in this underworld." And he gives Iruma a kiss as a sign of loyalty and truth.

"I love you too, Asmo. For as long as I've been friends with you." Says Iruma, still shocked and grateful that there are demons that won't eat him. That he won't die. That he won't have to lose what matters to him.

"I will keep it a secret, for I wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on my Iruma-kun."

And that is where Sullivan finally drives up, and calls them in to drive them back home. And Iruma realizes that there is good down here. There are many more reasons to stay.

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