Evil Cycle (Jazz/Lied)

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|Jazz has to calm down a wicked phase Lied before he goes too wild|
-Suggested by someone on Ao3
-Has mention of Iruazz
-My guess on how Lied would be in his wicked phase
-TW? Lots of blood mentioned in this chapter
*1764 words*
Lied has been very stressed lately, with how hard school has gotten, his sister generally being more annoying then usual, and he's been doing horrible on his one escape: video games.

Lied is actually in the top 10 leaderboard on a fighting game and that just made his video games stressful instead of enjoyment.

He actually invited Iruma over again, because if anyone could calm him down without angering him more it would be Iruma.

The two were simply fighting each other in the video game as a friendly match, but Iruma kept winning and winning. Lied grips his controller in rage and bites down on his lip hard enough to draw blood.

Iruma snaps Lied out of what he's doing and takes the controller away from Lied. Lied only notices he bit his lip when he licks over it to taste iron. He grumbles in annoyance because that means his lip will be hurting for a bit.

Iruma sits there contemplating whether he should do something or not. Iruma decides he doesn't want Lied to keep bleeding so Iruma uses his teeth to open up a wound on his finger.

Much to the confusion of Lied, he almost jolts back in surprise when Iruma swipes his finger across Lieds lip.

Lied with a small blush on his face because of how- "intimate" that was doesn't even realize that his lip stopped bleeding and doesn't have a slight pain to it anymore.

Iruma sighs in relief and wipes the rest of the blood on his finger away on a tissue. Lied licks over the area again and doesn't really taste iron, but it's more like.. sweet?

Lied throws away his confusion on why it suddenly tasted sweet but doesn't think any more of it. Iruma realizing how quiet Lied is says, "Ah Lied-kun I'm so sorry! I just wanted to heal your lip a-and I have to use my blood- oh my goodness that sounds so wrong I'm just sorry-"

Lied cuts Iruma off by telling him it's fine. Moving past that little incident the two start talking about people in their class.

Lied has a smug look on his face as he asks, "Don't you think Asmo is a little too obsessed over you?" Iruma just looks at Lied innocently, "He's just very focused on the whole- "servant and master" thing. But he's a good friend."

Lied gives Iruma a "are you serious" look before Iruma keeps going, "Well, I think Jazz might have someone he likes, he's been looking at her with a sort of.. softness? Not like the sneaky look he always has."

Lied stops Iruma right there with his mind racing. First of all, Jazz? Likes someone? As much as that thought excites Lied, Iruma said she, so that threw everything out of the window.

Honestly, Lied likes Jazz too on top of Elizabetta, he's just so cool and- handsome- and- that's enough! If Elizabetta didn't work Jazz was his plan B to be honest. Elizabetta doesn't seem like it will be more then friends, so Lied was kind of leaning more towards the Jazz option.

It was getting late, so a sad Lied watched as Iruma left and then he flopped on his bed. He brings his tail up to the front of him and Lied hugs his tail. He's stressed, and now sad on top of it.

Lied doesn't even change into pajamas as he starts to close his eyes. He hopes he wouldn't forget anything important in the morning.

He did in fact forget something. His game console, and all the homework he was going to cheat off of at home. He was already at the school gates when he realized, so it was too late to go back.

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