Criminal Tremor

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Chapter 4

"Nina, it's okay," Scott says once again, now grabbing my hand in his.

"But she didn't have to say it right to your face," I grumble looking back out at all the people as we sit on the steps outside.

"She just happened to glance in my direction," He says rubbing circles on my hands, "But honestly I don't know if I'll be able to handle the class."

"Why?" I ask turning my gaze over to his, "You've worked so hard for this, don't let her get into your head."

"But maybe she's right. Maybe I'm not meant to be in that class."

"Of course, you're meant to be in that class. Teachers are supposed to say these things to test you. To see if you're really committed to their subject. Which you are." I say moving his face back to look at me, "I meant what I said. You'll get your A. And you will get into UC Davis."

A smile appears on his lips before he brings them to mine for a short but sweet kiss, "What about you?"

"Honestly?" I drawl out releasing a breath. "I have no idea. I finally made an appointment with Mrs. Martin but I don't even think that's going to do anything. All I've really thought about is fighting off the bad guys... and you. Mostly you." I tease nudging his shoulders. "You know we've almost known each other for a year now."

"A whole year?" He says in mock surprise.

"I know. You had to put up with me for a whole year," I gasp.

"Best year of my life." He teases back.

"Besides all the monsters and almost dying multiple times."

"And A.P. Biology," He adds with a sheepish laugh.

"Speaking of which... We have a test tomorrow. And I can help you study. I may be terrible at History, and Econ... Math. But I'm pretty good at Biology."

"Are you?" He says getting a little smirk on his lips, "So how do you wanna study?"

"Not what you're thinking." I laugh leaning forward to place a kiss on his lips.

"Hey, hey, Scott- oh! Gross." Stiles' voice sounds behind us. I inwardly roll my eyes and break away from Scott. "That's just uh-"

"What do you want, Stiles?" Scott says looking up at him with raised brows.

"You need to come with me." He says patting him on the back.

"But I've got a free period and so does Nina."

"So do I. And so does Theo Raeken. Let's go." He says reeking excitement as he practically hops on the spot.

"You coming?" Scott says standing up with his textbooks balanced in his hands.

"Might as well make sure Stiles doesn't torture the poor new soul," I sigh joining him and the spastic boy who is already further up ahead. 

We eventually catch up to Stiles to see him giving us a frantic look while motioning inside the boys' locker room. We speed up and enter after him to see Theo standing inside with a neutral expression on his face. He glances over all of our faces but his eyes linger over mine for a few seconds longer. I'm immediately brought back to our earlier encounter along with all the confusion I felt. Maybe this whole interaction will help me remember where I know him from.

Scott motions in my direction, "Uh, this is-"

"Nina," Theo says instantly looking into my eyes. It's quiet for a few seconds before he turns back to Scott and Stiles, "So... is there a reason you wanted to talk to me?"

I am the Enemy  ~ S.M [3]Where stories live. Discover now