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Chapter 12

My eyes groggily let the light in as a distant voice enters my ears. I go to pull the covers over my head when Scott's body jumps from next to mine. I open my eyes fully and I must admit it takes me a few moments before my body does the same thing.

"Morning, Melissa," I smile sheepishly, wishing I could vanish underneath these covers.

"Nina..." She smiles from her spot against the doorframe. "I thought your bed was that way," She says pointing behind her.

"Oh... so it is. I must have taken a wrong turn," I hastily, and awkwardly, get out of bed and rush past her. As I do, I notice her fighting back a smile.

I get into my room and close the door behind me feeling way too many emotions swimming in my stomach. But the one that's the most persistent is joy. How it would feel to wake up to a family like this. All the bickering and fights just to end up smiling and laughing the next day.

With a smile still on my lips, I walk over to my bedside cabinet and pick up my phone. As expected, it's blown up with texts from Malia about the book we found in Tracy's room yesterday. Yesterday. It's crazy to think about how much happened in just a tiny space of time. Yesterday morning I was debating whether I was buried in a hole and just a couple of hours later I went from finding out about Dread Doctors to being an accessory to murder. Well, self-defense murder. Just the thought of it is enough to wipe the smile off my lips as flashbacks swipe across my mind.

I place my phone back down on the table feeling all the happiness being replaced with the same dread from last night. I try my best to push it down as I get ready to go to school. I almost forget about it with all the morning chatter until we walk out the front door.

"Do you have your drawing?" Scott questions, making me freeze in my spot.

I completely forgot about it. It's probably still sitting on the messy table in the library. I guess I wasn't really in the right frame of mind to fetch a drawing when there was a literal dead body right in front of me. At this point, I think it's cursed.

"I... uh, couldn't find it."

He frowns shifting his helmet between his hands, "You couldn't find it? But wasn't it where you left it?"

"I don't think I looked hard enough. I was really tired," I laugh it off, placing my helmet over my head. "Race you?" I say eager to change the topic.

He doesn't answer for a moment before shaking his head and putting his own helmet on, "Always."

I climb onto my bike and wait for him, before speeding off down the street. It's something we've been doing a lot these days. I don't really know how it started but it's turned into somewhat of a competition. It's honestly been a really good way to find shortcuts to school.

I stop at the next red light and glance around behind me. But I don't spot him or his bike anywhere. Feeling triumph build inside me, I continue on through the now green light.

With the school in sight, I rev my engine and dart forward, drawing near to the building. But my heart drops as I park my bike in my usual spot.

"You made it," Scott smiles smugly as he leans against his motorbike with his helmet dangling from his fingers.

"Wha- how did you?"

His smile deepens as he swings his backpack over his shoulder, "I found another shortcut."

I shake my head, unable to suppress the smile on my lips, "Fine, I'll give you that one. But you might be followed tomorrow." I tease, knocking my shoulder into his as we walk toward the school doors.

I am the Enemy  ~ S.M [3]Where stories live. Discover now