Damn Lizard

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Chapter 8

After doing a few more tests Deaton's eyes furrow, "Now, this is interesting," he mutters turning her head to the side.

"What is it?" I ask, walking over to him along with Malia while Scott gets a text.

"I don't know," He mutters, staring transfixed at her neck before reaching forward to poke it. He flinches and immediately retracts his hand. "Help me turn her over, please," He asks glancing over at me and Malia. Reluctantly, I help turn Tracy onto her back.

"The driver didn't have a stroke or heart attack," I hear Scott read from his phone in the corner of the room as Deaton examines her back. "Says it was more like his body just locked up."

"Like he was paralyzed," Stiles says, getting that familiar look in his eyes. "I think I know what she is."

"Care to enlighten the rest of us?" Deaton questions causing the two to turn in our direction. "Because this doesn't look too good." I finally look back down and really wish I hadn't. There appears to be something moving from underneath her skin. It's almost like her spine has turned into a jelly worm. Deaton pokes at it but it still continues to move.

A few seconds go by and none of us dare to make another move. It's almost like we are waiting for the inevitable to happen. And it does. Tracy's back bursts wide open spraying out a disgusting black liquid at both Deaton and Scott. Luckily, I'm saved by Scott's body.

But even more disturbing than the black liquid and wide open back, is her spine moving inside her bodying. It slithers just like a snake covered in blood and gore. I take another step backward.

Suddenly a tail shoots out of her back and swishes through the air. It has a razor-sharp blade attached to the end that strikes us all in succession as Tracy jumps up onto the table.

When her tail makes contact with my thigh it's like all the power gets drained out of my body. I grab onto the metal table as Tracy glances wildly around at us with reptilian yellow eyes and scales all over her face. She rushes toward the Moutain Ash barrier. To my horror she runs right over the black line, breaking it in half. She's gone.

I don't have time to comprehend it because before I know it, I'm on the floor with pain erupting from my thigh. Well, I thought I fell on the floor, but the floor isn't that soft. And it doesn't move.

"Stiles!" I groan, attempting to lift my upper body off his back. But I can't. In fact, I can't move at all.

"Oh right, blame the victim," he exclaims from underneath me as he lies still on his stomach. "You fell on me. It's always a Hale..."

"It's not like I wanted to be in this position," I groan, trying to ignore the fact that his butt is only a few inches from my face. "I can't move... why can't I move- wait what do you mean Hale?"

"It's Kanima venom," Scott mentions on the floor a few feet away, "That's why we can't move."

"Kanima?" I exclaim. "That was a Kanima?"

Damn lizards... I never wanted to meet one anyway but apparently, the world has other ideas.

"Nice things, aren't they?" Stiles says sarcastically, his voice coming out muffled from the floor. "Hey, Deaton? How the hell did she get through the mountain ash?"

"I don't know," he answers from near Stiles' feet. "It's a barrier no supernatural creature should be able to cross."

"Scott did it."

"Once, but it almost killed me," Scott adds.

"We should've killed her!" Malia exclaims from her spot against a metal cabinet.

I am the Enemy  ~ S.M [3]Where stories live. Discover now