Dread Doctor Book Club

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Chapter 14

"Hey Sparky," As soon as the words leave my mouth I wince, "Sorry, probably not the right thing to say right now."

Kira drops her head back down onto her bed, her eyes focused upward at the ceiling, "What are you doing here?"

"I heard about what happened... at Eichen," I say tentatively, stepping into her room and sitting on the corner of her bed. "You wanna talk about it?"

Her face scrunches up as she closes her eyes, "I don't know what happened."

"I know, "I say taking in a breath of air, "I wanted to make sure you're okay."

Her eyes slowly open as she turns to face me, "How can I be? I don't know what's happening to me. And I'm scared I'm gonna hurt someone."

"We'll always be here to make sure you don't. I'll always be here," I grab her arms and pull her into a sitting position in front of me, "You were there for me when I went dark so I'm gonna be here for you." I hold up my pinky toward her, "No matter what."

She eyes my pinky for a moment before her lips crack into the first smile I've seen since I've gotten here, "A pinky swear?"

"Come on. You know you want to..." I tease pushing my finger closer to her. A breath escapes her lips, which I take as a laugh, as she connects our pinkies.

I share a look of mutual understanding with her. I know what she must be feeling. It's a terrible thing to not be able to trust yourself anymore. To wonder if the reason your friends will die is not due to some vicious monster, but rather your own self.

"Come on, we gotta do some reading," I smile lightly, patting her on the shoulder.

"My mom's book club usually has more wine," Lydia speaks freely as we stand around the glass table in the McCall household

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"My mom's book club usually has more wine," Lydia speaks freely as we stand around the glass table in the McCall household. All 6 copies of the Dread Doctors' book sit innocently on one side of the table while the original sits on the other. Almost tauntingly mocking the cheaper knock-offs.

"Well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations," Stiles quips glancing up from the table. His eyes meet mine for a moment and I'm suddenly brought back to the other night. We haven't spoken since then. And Scott hasn't said anything which can only mean he didn't tell him yet. Honestly, I don't blame him. Not even a second later his gaze drifts back down to the table as he rubs his shoulder.

"Maybe after a few glasses... who knows," I add earning a disapproving look from Lydia but I take note of the inkling of a smile forming on her lips.

"That's why Malia's here," Scott says causing me to frown.

"For the alcohol?"

"Rather so none of us go running into traffic," Kira clarifies lightly nudging my shoulder with hers. 

"Or worse," Scott adds from my other side.

"Like what happened to Judy." All the eyes in the room seem to turn to Malia who frowns before nodding her head, "Chapter fourteen."

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