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Chapter 13

"Fancy running into you here, cuz," I smirk as Malia rolls her eyes from behind her textbook.

"Are you babysitting me?"

"Not intentionally," I wink sitting down next to her.

"I thought you were going with to Eichen?"

"Well, I didn't feel like facing him... so the library it is," I say, scooting her books to the side and earning another eye roll.

"Who him?" She asks but by the look developing in her eyes, I know she already knows.

"You know who."

"Peter," Her expression drops slightly.

"First name basis?" I wince. "I don't blame you, he's not much of an uncle to me."

"He's not much of a human either."

"That is something we can definitely agree on." I chuckle, opening my book up to a random page before looking up at her again. "Is that why you aren't going?"

"I'm not going because that place is a nightmare asylum of insanity and death," She says without lifting her head up from her book.

"You know I'm starting to see how we're related," I add, looking down at the book that I took from the shelf earlier. Careers and Career Choices For Dummies. I don't know how I feel about the Dummies part.

I breathe out a sigh before getting stuck into the pages. After some time the words just brush past my eyes without sinking in. It's all the same. What do you love? What are your hobbies? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully not dead.

A loud sigh sounds in front of me followed by Malia's voice asking, "What is it?"

I meet her eyes and frown, "What?"

"You. What's wrong?"

"I'm fine."

"You reek of boredom and it's distracting," She says putting her pen down on the table.

Dejavu much?

"I'm just sick of all these so-called experts trying to tell me how I'm supposed to find my future career."

"Why don't you just travel the world? Go to Paris or something?" She shrugs.

"Because apparently, that's not a viable solution," I flip to the page I was just on. "Running away is not a viable solution to your problems."

She hums and replies, "It definitely was when I was a coyote."

"Well, you slept in your own urine so..."

Her eyes harden into a glare, "You're never going to let that go are you?"

"Hm, let me think about that... no," I smile at her eye roll. I'm about to go back to my book when I spot the familiar cover peeking out from under the papers on the table. "How are things? You know, after..." I motion to the book and she follows my gaze.

"Dread Doctors?" She lifts the book out of the pile and flips it around in her hand. "I haven't gone psycho. If that's what you're asking."

"I'm asking if you're okay. Emotionally." 

Her eyes meet mine and she blinks slowly, "Why?"

"Well, for one you're my cousin and that means we're family. But also the last person who read that book ended up killing her father... and you know, there's Peter..."

"You think I'm gonna kill him?" She asks getting a hint of a smile trickling on her lips.

"After what he did to you, I wouldn't blame you," I answer honestly, "But I know you wouldn't."

I am the Enemy  ~ S.M [3]Where stories live. Discover now