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Chapter 6

The darkness seeps in and out of focus as the pounding in my ears continue on. I can barely make out any of the noise. Buzzing and static.

My eyes drift open for longer this time as I try to take in my surroundings. Long tubes with unidentifiable liquids are scattered around the dimly lit, dank room. I'm lying on a metal table but something feels different. Wrong.

My heart beats faster in my chest as 3 figures start slowly approaching from the darkness. Their growing outlines drift in and out of focus as I try to get up. But I make a terrible discovery. What I found wrong about this earlier I now realize is the numerous amounts of rope holding me right against the table. I'm stuck.

I pull against the bindings as hard as I can but I have nothing. It's like the strength is just taken out of me. My eyes dart back up to the figures to see them nearing me even closer. There's nothing I can do. Panic begins to surge in my chest at the thought. I need to get out of here. There has to be a way. I try the restraints again but I know it's a losing game. I begin searching around me for something. Anything within reach. Nothing.

A cold shiver washes over my body as I feel their presence looming over me. Goosebumps take over my entire skin. And not the good kind.

My vision begins to swirl in and out again. Losing and regaining focus. The figures blur into one another and I can barely make out any more details of them. The only thing I do register in my disorientated state is the pain erupting in my body. Not just from one spot. It's like every fiber of my being.

I gasp and pull myself up. Hands immediately wrap themselves around my body. I go to scream when the feeling registers. The warmth of their touch. Followed by the panic in their voice.

"Nina, Nina. Wake up!"

My eyes snap open as everything begins making sense. The carpet, the walls, the textbooks on the desk and...

"Scott?" I just about get out through my breaths.

"It's me," He confirms running his hands over my arms, "Are you okay?"

"What happened?" I ask as my eyes search his panicked ones.

"You were mumbling in your sleep and then suddenly you sat up gasping."

"I did?"

"You were terrified," He says, his eyes becoming softer.

"I was?"

"Don't you remember?" He questions with furrowed brows.

"Scott I don't know what happened. I can't remember a thing."

I head down the hallway during my free period with slow steps

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I head down the hallway during my free period with slow steps. After the nightmare last night I couldn't fall asleep. Even having Scott next to me didn't seem to take away the feeling in my chest. The dread. I don't know what the hell happened in that nightmare but whatever it was, that feeling is still lingering with me.

I am the Enemy  ~ S.M [3]Where stories live. Discover now