Hale Fire

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Chapter 16

"Any reason we're going to the boys' locker room?" Scott quirks his brow as we walk through the door. 

"Because..." The smell of sweaty socks and too much deodorant hit me immediately and I crinkle my nose. "I need to talk to you."

"In the boys' locker room?" Both of his brows shoot up this time as I turn around to face him fully.

"No one's here," I stretch my arms out, before muttering under my breath, "I understand why now." I cringe as the smell hits me again.

"So you want to be alone?" He asks, a smile overtaking his confused expression. I can't stop the giggle coming over me as I bring myself closer to him. I press his lips to mine for just a moment before pulling back slightly.

"We can do more of that later on, but right now..." I smile smugly before taking the inhaler from his hands and lifting it up between us. A look of realization floods over his face. "We need to talk about this."

He doesn't say anything as he sits down on a bench. Sensing the sudden change in atmosphere, I join on the seat next to him.

"What happened?" I ask, sliding my hand over his, "Did you see them?"

He shakes his head, "I saw myself. When I was a little kid." He turns his head to face me, taking my hand in his, "I was on a gurney being taken into hospital. I kept crying out for Roxy... My dog," he clarifies probably sensing my confusion. "It was just after she was attacked in dog fight."

"Did you remember it before?" I ask rubbing circles on his palm.

He shakes his head again, "I forgot about it. But the book... it somehow brought it back. Just like Malia."

I sit silently for a few moments as my mind flashes with questions. If the flashbacks aren't just about the Dread Doctors, then what does that book mean? How is it able to do that to us? And what memory will come back for me? I'm almost too scared to think about it.

I turn my gaze back to Scott to see him now staring intently at the inhaler. It must be quite a thing to now be experiencing asthma attacks again. After all this time.

"Are you doing okay?" I ask. His eyes filter up to me and he nods slowly.

"I didn't think I'd ever have to use this again."

"Where did Liam even find it?"

"He said he always had one in his locker. Just in case." His words cause a smile to form on my lips.

Liam is actually more thoughtful than I expected. Maybe he doesn't say it but his actions show just how much he cares about his Alpha.

I enjoy the silence for a few more moments until a sudden thought flashes through my mind, "Wait a minute, why were you in Mrs. Finch's class? Didn't the lesson end like 15 minutes before?"

His hand tenses under my grip, "Yeah, I just wanted to ask her a few questions."

His answer seems to fit the missing piece into place. From the way he acted about Sydney dropping out to why he was still in the classroom after the lesson ended.

"You're going drop it, aren't you? AP Biology."

As if sensing he has no chance of avoiding it, he meets my eyes again, "I didn't want you to worry."

"I am worried, Scott," I say shifting to face him better. "What about your dream?"

"What about Beacon Hills?" He counters with the look of someone who has way go much weight on their shoulders. "I can't do both."

I am the Enemy  ~ S.M [3]Where stories live. Discover now