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Chapter 7

Waking up in the McCall household doesn't feel any different than usual, besides the fact that I woke up with a searing headache and didn't have Scott tossing and turning next to me. Although in some ways that's probably a good thing. It does, however, feel nice to not have to sneak around the house.

The rest of the day drags on as per usual until I have a secret meeting by the busses with the rest of the supernatural bunch... plus Mason. Turns out Liam did tell him about being a Werewolf and the whole supernatural world. He took it pretty well. Maybe too well. He looks like a kid in a candy store most of the time with his wide eyes moving around to all of us in turn.

"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping," Lydia continues, "It was a real disorder. It was night terrors."

"Well, now she's the night terror. Especially since no one can find her," Stiles says.

"Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable..." Scott trails off as his gaze drifts over to Mason who still has that wondrous look in his eyes, "Except for you."

"Oh, I'm sorry," He says snapping out of his daze, "This is all just mind-blowing." He motions over to Kira with zeal, "You're a Kitsune. I don't even know what that is."

"I'm still learning," She says awkwardly shifting in her place.

"And you're not even half-human," He says his child-like eyes turning to me, "How is that even possible?"

"Beats me," I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm. It's innocent and naive without having been tainted by the darkness of this world. I hope he stays this way.

"Liam, we said you could tell him, not invite him to the inner circle," Stiles scolds, letting out an annoyed breath.

Mason looks like he's just about to burst, "Uh, I'm in the inner circle?"

"No," Stiles and Liam groan out in unison while I roll my eyes.

"Come on, the kid's practically dying to be in on it," I say getting a mixture of looks from the crowd.

"Guys, look, back to Tracy," Scott says stepping forward and placing his elbows on the bus. "She's just one lone wolf. We can find her."

"One lone, serial-killing wolf," Malia adds.

"Uh, she only killed one person, you know? The other two were mauled." Stiles says not so helpfully.

"Thanks for that image," I say, shuddering at the memory.

"All right, what do we do when we catch her?" Stiles continues on after throwing me a look.

"I say we put her down," Malia says bluntly without any hesitation. It's quiet for a few moments as we all exchange looks with one another. Some look mildly convinced of the idea while others are appalled at the suggestion. And then there's Mason.

"Intense," He says with a firm nod.

"Guys, let's concentrate on catching her, first," Scott says being the voice of reason among us. "We'll figure out the rest later."


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