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I dedicated this to someone that used to be so lovely in my life.


This person is a she. Younger than me. I met her through online chat. Because we shared the same interest, we've gotten closed. I shared my stories, she did the same. Once I shared on my online page, "Is it true, nothing lasts forever?" She replied "Unfortunately, yes," But I never expect it to be us. The meaning of her name was equal to the word 'sun'. Of course she did has a bright personality, like her name. There is some words, I wish to ask her. The song 'THANKS' by Seventeen is for her, if there's left words for me, this song is the answer and my last goodbye.

How are you? How was your day? Have you eaten yet? Do you still remember me?

 I'm sorry I am a coward, I admit it. There was no other reason for me to leave you. Why did you think that I'm leaving you? I said to you, that I am sick, I'm not a normal person. Still, why did you do that? I'm not in a healthy state of my mind, and don't you wanna try to understand it? You made me afraid of people again. But when I looked again, it was no one's fault. It was a misunderstanding. But because of our selfish selves, we never talk again. How stupid it is? I don't hate you, but I'm scared. What if you say harsh words towards me? What if you're the same like someone I knew before? We were like disappearing through time. You forget me, I forget you. Is it us? I miss you, I miss us. But if it is true, we are just temporary, then, thank you for the memories. We used to talk about our crushes, and did you know that I'm no longer like him? What about you? You guys already become a couple? Our story never ended, why we paused it for a long time? Do you really wanted this to end? You seems happy. Me too. If one day, I no longer want any connection with each other, do you regret it? Am I regret it? It hurts, but thank you. You were so nice and those times you treated me so well, I'm grateful. Am I gonna continue this? Sorry to say, I'm tired. I need a rest, even I never really have it. If you want us again, just come and at least a hello. I don't wait for you. Hence, I just wanna say I miss you and thank you again, for having me.

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