Bell Test

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I woke up early this morning exactly at 5 like Kakashi-Sensei said. However, noticing how late he came for our team yesterday, I decided to wait a little more before leaving. Once I finished my bathroom necessities, I changed into my black and pink Kimono. I had my Kimono's adjusted so that I would be able to use my legs to fight and etc. I put on my priestess crown and walked out my room.

My fan was tucked into my sash as I continued out my front door. I went into my shrine and started to make some Talismans, and secretly added mystical energies in them. I decided to take some of them with me today, just in case we were to battle our teacher. I lit some incense before clapping my hands and praying to the Gods.

'Hey brat! Are you seriously going to ignore your Sensei's advice and still eat breakfast?' Shadow asked me, his eyes opening from his nap. I entered my mind and looked up to see the familiar golden cage. I opened it and walked near to Shadow. I petted his dragon scales and hummed

'Of course I am! Do you honestly think I'm gonna miss out on breakfast!? And who say's I'm gonna puke!? Pshh...' I rolled my eyes at Kakashi Sensei's words. Shadow grumbled

'I suppose you are right....' Shadow grumbled before closing his eyes, his large tail curling around his body as his red scales shined. I sighed before exiting my mind

I exited my Shrine and made my way back into my house, my silk Kimono feeling cool against my skin. I made my way into the kitchen and prepared some breakfast. I cooked a bowl of rice and miso soup with egg and pickles. After I finished cooking and eating. I looked at the clock and realized it was 7:00 already! Damn...

I rushed out of my house, and quickly made my way to the training field. Once I was close enough, I slowed down into a walk and took out my hand fan. I snapped it open and held it up so it only covered my nose and mouth. I heard voices and looked up to see the rest of my team already there. Sasuke standing there and being emotionless, nothing new there

I saw Naruto pacing looking agitated along with Sakura. When I reached they turned to me

"YOUR'RE LATE!!!" Naruto and Sakura yelled at me. I raised an eyebrow at them

"Oh? How can I be late when Kakashi-Sensei isn't here yet?" I questioned. Naruto laughed nervously. I smirked behind my fan. POOF! We turned to see a cloud of smoke before it disappeared

"Yo! Morning everyone" Kakashi raised a hand.

"YOU'RE LATE!!!" Naruto and Sakura yelled at him. They certainly can't keep their voices down.

"Sorry, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way..." We all deadpanned at him.

"YEAH RIGHT!!" Naruto accusingly said

"Anyways, moving on. Your assignment is very simple," Kakashi-Sensei took out 3 bells after he placed a timer on a tree stump. "You just have to take these bells from me. If you can't manage to get a bell by noon, you go without lunch. You'll be tied to those posts while I eat my lunch in front of you"

"WHAT!?" Naruto shouted in disbelief as their stomachs growled in hunger while mines didn't

"How come your stomach isn't growling!?" Naruto looked at accusingly while the others stared at me.

"Why would I miss out on my daily breakfast? It is a requirement for me everyday!" I quietly said, they stared at me as I closed my eyes.

"Well certainly are interesting" Kakashi told me.

"Hold on, there are four of us. How come there's only three bells?" Sakura asked. Kakashi smiled behind his mask

"Well now that you mention it, one of you will end up being tied to a post and disqualified for not completing the mission and get sent back to the academy" He explained

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