Hinata vs Neji

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I continued to watch the matches one by one, my eyes closely observing, analyzing everyone's movements. My whole body was tensed as I could feel a sinister presence. My (e/c) orbs immediately landed on the Sound Jounin. I narrowed my eyes. Orochimaru....

"...And the winner is Naruto Uzumaki!" I snapped my eyes below and smiled lightly at Naruto who gave me a thumbs up. I smirked. He ran up the stairs shouting and cheering

"(Y/N)!!!!!" I huffed at the impact as he glomped me. I chuckled softly.

"Did ya see what I did to Kiba!? I totally nailed it. Haha!!" He cheekily smiled.

"Well done Naru-Chan...." A red tint formed on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck. We waited for the next pairing. Neji Hyuuga V.S Hinata Hyuuga

Gasps of shock were heard around the arena but I stared at Hinata as she made her way down to the arena. I knew about her little family situation and her dumb cousin Neji. (NO offense to any Neji lovers!!)

"Alright, you may begin when you're ready" The Proctor announced.

"Before we do this, a word of advice. Hinata, listen to me!" Neji called out to Hinata. I watched them intently

"Withdraw now! You know you were never meant to be a ninja!" He harshly told her. I narrowed my eyes at him as Shadow grumbled in my mind at his statement.

"You're too kinda and gentle. You seek harmony and avoid conflict. You allow yourself to be easily swayed by others," He scoffed "Admit it, you have no confidence. You feel inferior to everyone around you. It would've bee better if you would just remain a Genin" Say what!? That little prat. That's no way to talk to your cousin. I watched him in disgust as Shadow lightly growled in my mind at his words.

"Calm down Shadow." I thought

"His words are making me sick!! I do not like his attitude!" Shadow growled. I mentally nodded.

"But to register for the Chunin exams you need a team of three. You didn't want to take part in these exams. But Shino and Kiba did, and you couldn't stand the thought of letting your teammates down! Could you?!" He glared at her.

"No! You're wrong! I did because I wanted to find out if I can change..." Hinata spoke. My expression softened. Hinata..

"Hinata, you're just a pampered child from the Hyuuga's main branch! People can't change no matter how hard they try! They can't run away from their true nature. A failure will always be a failure!" I noticed Naruto clenching his hands. I glanced back at Neji. What a loser.

I suppressed a yawn as he started to spout nonsense about destiny and changing. Does this guy have nothing else to talk about in his miserable life?

"Byakugan?" I heard Sakura ask Kakashi

"It's a Kekkei Genkai. A blood line trait from the Hyuuga Clan. It's a visual jutsu like Sasuke's Sharingan. In fact, they say the Uchiha clan derived from the Byakugan a long time ago. But for sheer power inside, the Byakugan is the stronger of the two. However, there was a clan who had surpassed both Kekkie Genkai's" Kakashi finished off. I glanced back at him.

"Everything I said is true. That familiar gesture with your finger, I know it's an attempt to restrain your panic. Making it even more desperate because you know it's futile Hinata. You are what you are, whether you admit it or not." I noticed Naruto was about to burst so I touched my hand with his. His head snapped to me and I gave him that 'look'. He hesitantly nodded, knowing that I will take care of it.

"Why don't you just shut up down there!?" I raised my voice, making it reach everybody but mostly to Neji. I watched as he slightly turned his head towards me, my fan blocking my face except my eyes which were glaring at him. Hinata shakily looked up at me.

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