Relaxing Days

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! This chapter will be more on the filler side since I'm still discussing future plans for this book with Seena so I hope this keeps you satisfied for the moment. I'm going to stall with filler chapters for a while till Seena and I finally decide the future plans for this book. Anyways, enjoy!

(Y/n)'s POV

After the trouble we had with Gaara being kidnapped, I decided that today was a good day to relax, we no longer had training today. Maybe I should go visit Kakashi in the hospital, the dummy overused his mangekyou sharingan. I jumped off of the bed, getting myself ready for the visit.

Shadow? Do you think he's awake yet?

I do not know for sure, but I am certain that he is in a better condition.

That's good to know, but honestly...he's an idiot sometimes. He goes overboard with his sharingan too much, Kakashi's stupid for making me worry this much.

True, but his choices are his, there is nothing I could do about it and neither could you.

I just hope he'll stop making such rash decisions, it's not good for me to worry this much. I bet I already have white hair with the amount I worry.

Let's hope not.

I ended the mental conversation I had with Shadow since I was now in front of Kakashi's door. I slowly opened the door, I didn't want to wake him up or disturb him of his rest. I sat on the chair beside the jounin's unconscious body, you better get well before my hair turns white with the amount of worry I have.

I took out a book to read, it was (favorite book). I put my hand on Kakashi's head as I started to ruffle his hair. I began to immerse myself in the amazing story.

Kakashi's POV (yep)

I felt a hand begin to affectionately ruffle my hair, who could it be? Their touch was so gentle and endearing, it was similar to someone I knew. The mysterious person's touch was so comforting and it felt right to me, but I don't even know who they are, how could this feel right? Even if I had no control over my body, I wish I could lean into their touch.

(Y/n)'s POV

I reached the last page of (favorite book), just in time too, I was beginning to get hungry. I put the book away, standing up from my chair to leave the room. As I stood up, I turned to Kakashi, I gave him a kiss on the forehead before muttering, "Get well soon, alright?"

I left the room, making my way to the nearest restaurant. I ordered myself (f/f) and (f/d), they tasted so good. As I enjoyed myself, I didn't realize that I'd left a certain silver haired jounin blushing as he questions his love life.

Kakashi's POV

That voice, it's (Y/n)'s...when have we become that close? I shivered at the feeling of her lips pressed against my forehead, is it wrong for me to feel these...these feelings towards a student? The question was, does she have time for love? With a destiny like hers, is it possible?

And another thing is Shadow, he doesn't approve of any of us and he is (Y/n)'s guardian so no matter what I do, it's impossible. But why do I love her? Is it because of her looks? Her personality? Why am I so attracted to her? What is it that makes me love her so much? Is it because she reminds me of someone I used to know? No, that's not right, she's different, maybe that's why.

3rd POV

As the silverette was contemplating his love for our main character, she was confronted by Shadow.

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