Itachi Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey, Itachi, stop worrying about Sasuke. I'm sure he'll be fine," I comforted the anxious male.

"(Y/n), Sasuke doesn't like children. Sending him off with a mission to take care of toddlers is the worst thing the hokage could do," Itachi deadpanned.

"I're right, there's something to worry about, but he'll have to learn to anyways. Aren't him and Sakura dating? They're probably going to get married," I shrugged my shoulders. "If you keep on worrying, your hair'll turn white before you even turn thirty. And you've bought about ten dango sticks already, binge eating isn't good."

"I can't help it," he replied.

I exasperatedly glanced at the male, "Instead of worrying about Sasuke and eating dango, let's do something fun. I heard there's this new library in town. They've got a lot of cool story books."

"Sadly, I'm not interested in stories," he took another bite of the dango.

I puffed my cheeks and took ahold of Itachi's wrists. I dragged him with me to the new library. I plopped him on a beanbag and found multiple picture books for him and I to read. "Okay, which one do you want to read?"

Itachi closed his eyes and picked out a book. He had picked 'The Lonely Witch'. It was a simple, short picture book. I pulled a beanbag and sat right next to him. I flipped open the page of the book, "In a mysterious small cottage lived a beautiful witch. She was known far and wide for her abilities. Being an immortal, she felt lonely, so she said: I will make a companion that will be with me forever!"

I pressed my hands against the soft, plastic like paper, flipping to the next page, "Day and night the witch searched through her old tattered books for a spell that would grant her wish. She jumped in joy when she had found it and immediately performed the spell. Where am I? The mysterious figure asked. When the smoke had cleared, it revealed a handsome, young man, but the witch wasn't fooled, she recognized the man. He was the Emperor of the previously great empire, Athens. He was a man of greed who would stop at nothing to fulfill his desires."

"Instead of undoing the spell she had casted, the witch was determined to help the male change for the better, and so that was what she did. Day in, day out, she would carefully teach the emperor how to live an honest, humble life. The emperor would complain, saying that this wasn't a life befitting for an emperor. The witch chuckled, saying that he was no longer one, but instead a normal man." Itachi read.

"The emperor huffed, unaccepting of the witch's words, but complied nonetheless. He wished to search the witch's spell-books, he wanted to regain his former power and wealth, but the more time he spent with the witch, his desire for such greatness faded. The emperor couldn't bring himself to conduct a misdeed against the witch, she was too kind and undeserving of such fate." Huh, this is pretty similar to Itachi and I's story, but Itachi isn't a power hungry emperor, and I'm not a witch.

"So, the emperor stayed with the witch and lived in their humble abode. The longer he stayed with her, the more he fell for her charms. He was completely infatuated with the witch. He offered his hand in marriage, and the witch accepted. They lived happily ever after," I closed the book as I read the last sentence. It's unrealistic, but it's a pretty good book.

"That was...interesting," Itachi concluded. "I feel like I am similar to the emperor, while you are the witch."

"That's what I thought," I laughed.

When I had said this, the library doors were pushed open. The joyful cries of children filled the library, but they were quickly silenced. I turned around to see Sasuke, he was giving a toddler a piggy back ride while two followed behind him like ducklings. I nudged Itachi, "See, you don't have anything to worry about. Sasuke's doing fine."

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