Battle On The Bridge Part 2

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We were all on the floor. I had heard Sakura screaming and became worried. What's going on out there? My head was throbbing after being thrown to the ground so many times. Sasuke and I were deflecting all the needles as Naruto continued to make Shadow Clones. I can't allow this to continue! I have to end this battle at once.

"Naruto, behind you!" Sasuke shouted. Naruto turned around and yelled out in pain as needles pierced his skin again. I winced, feeling utterly helpless.

"Naru-chan!" I shouted out in fear.

"It's impossible for you to escape. This is the final straw" Haku says with no emotion. Me and Sasuke rush over to his side and I immediately healed his wounds.

"So you're a medic?" Haku mocked me. Naruto shakily sat up, groaning in pain. He's exhausted. The Shadow Clone Jutsu uses too much Chakra. He won't be able to last much longer...I looked at Naruto in worry.

"Don't use anymore chakra. You're already exhausted" I advised, setting my hand on his shoulder. Naruto grunts, breathing heavily

"I know (Y/N)" He fell back down but I caught him and placed him on the floor. I looked at Sasuke

"What's the plan? We can't carry on like this much longer" I rushed out. He looked at me before thinking of something

"I don't know, but we have to try and outmaneuver him" Sasuke suggested. I nodded and we both stood up and faced Haku.

"Looking for a counterattack? Let me help you!" Haku threw more needles our way. I used my Sai's to deflect them while Sasuke used Haku's needles.

"What!?" Haku gasped. I frowned at him. I watched as Sasuke knelt down besides Naruto looking at him. I placed my hand on Naruto's shoulder

"Get up you loser! We have to team up, all three of us!" Sasuke hissed. Naruto struggled to get up

"I know what we have to do! Believe it!" Naruto says. Haku threw more needles our way and Sasuke and me continued to block them. I pushed Naruto out of the way to prevent him from being injured more. Haku suddenly disappeared and I looked at the mirror startled

"Where is he?!" I asked, frantically looking around, Sasuke doing the same.

"Naruto, don't you dare faint! Me and (Y/N) can't protect you much longer! Get up!" Sasuke demanded

"I didn't ask for your help" Naruto suddenly slumped to the ground.

"Naruto!!" I called out for my friend in concern

"He's reached his limit. Now it's just the two of you left!" Haku commented. I angrily threw the needles back at him, feeling helpless

"Impressive. You're attacks are certainly skillful and strong" Haku told us. I growled under by breath

"You two won't last much longer. You're abilities are weakening" That's what he thinks. I still have plenty of chakra left to take him out.

"You're finished!" Haku readied his hands. I tensed up and waited for his attack. All of a sudden, Sasuke grabbed Naruto and all three of us jumped away in time. Sasuke placed Naruto on the ground as he panted. I widened my eyes when he raised his head. He managed to obtain the Sharingan! I smiled in relief

Haku suddenly came charging at me and Naruto. I was about to put up a barrier until.......

I saw a shadow hovering us and slowly looked up. Tears immediately began to sprung in my eyes. I trembled in shock

"....Sasuke...." I uttered out. I felt Naruto stir besides me.

"You guys always get in the way..."Sasuke shakily said.

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