C-Rank Mission

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"Sakura at Point A"

"Sasuke at Point C

"(Y/N) at Point B"

"......Naruto at Point D! Believe it!!"

"You're too slow Naruto!!" Kakashi scolded.

Currently we were on a mission to capture a lost cat named Tora. Apparently it ran away from the Daimyo

"Alright team 7, target has moved!! Follow it!" Kakashi ordered. We jumped in pursuit and followed the cat. I hid behind one of the trees, my hand fan covering my face.

"What's your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked in the earpiece.

"5 meters! I'm ready, just give the signal!" Naruto said, glaring at the cat.

"Alright, wait for it.....wait for it....now!!!" The others, minus myself jumped for the cat. Naruto managed to grab it which startled the poor cat. I watched as Tora scratched Naruto's face, before sighing softly. I walked towards him while putting away my hand fan. I gently took the cat away from Naruto and started to pet Tora's fur softly. He automatically started to purr loudly

"Can you verify a ribbon on the ear?" Kakashi asked

"Yea, it's a positive I.D" Sasuke replied

"Alright then, lost pet Tora captured. Mission accomplished." Kakashi stated. Naruto got up and glared at the cat as we proceeded to head back to the Hokage's office.

Time Skip///////////////

We watched as the cat was being smothered into a hug by the Feudal Lord's wife. I sweat-dropped

"My poor Tora!!!!! I was so frightened! Why did you run away!?" The lady asked, still mushing the cat in her death grip. I watched in pity as the cat tried to escape her clutches. Naruto was grinning evilly at the cat

"Serves you right, stupid cat!!" I smacked the back of Naruto's head softly.

"Ow..." Naruto rubbed his head, while giving me a toothy smile. I smirked behind my fan before we all faced the Hokage

"Moving on, your next task is to babysit the chief counselor's three year old; helping his wife do shopping; weed the garden-" Naruto cut off the Hokage

"No way!!! I wanna go on a real mission!!" Naruto exclaimed, glaring at the Hokage. Iruka ended up yelling at him, and Grandpa Hokage gave us a really long boring speech about missions we could and couldn't do.

"Grandpa Hokage, with all due respect," I began. The Hokage and the others looked at me...well my eyes -__-

"I agree with Naruto. I think we are fully capable of going on real mission. We could use some experience out there in the real world" I explained. The Hokage looked at me thoughtfully before sighing

"Alright then, I'll give you a C-Rank Mission. Your job is to escort someone" He said.

"Awesome, believe it!!! So who are we gonna escort!? A Feudal Lord?! A Princess?!" Naruto rambled on, while I smiled

"No" The Hokage deadpanned at Naruto

"You can come in Tazuna" I widened my eyes behind my fans. Tazuna? The door opened and Sake immediately filled my nose. My lips automatically curved into a smile as I stared at the man I met 2 years ago.

"Huh!? A bunch of snot-nosed kids!? You, the one with the idiotic look on your face, you expect me to believe you're a ninja!?" Tazuna looked at Naruto in disbelief

"Hahaha, who's the one with the idiotic look on their face?" Naruto dumbly asked. Sasuke and Sakura immediately lined up next to him and that's when Naruto realized it was him he was talking about. He suddenly glared at Tazuna

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