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We all were on a boat heading to the Village Hidden in the Mist. I looked around, the fog was so thick that normal ninja's wouldn't be able to see through it. However, since Shadow was sealed inside of me, I was able to hear, smell, and see things from far away. Naruto was at the front; I was behind him; Sakura and Sasuke were behind me; Kakashi and Tazuna at the back; and the rower was at the end.

Since the mist was so thick, I doubt anyone would see us. I had a feeling that once we get off this boat, we'll be running into some powerful ninja's. I heard the rower speak

"The bridge isn't that far now. The Land of Waves is just ahead" He said quietly. We all looked ahead of us and saw a huge bridge. I guess Tazuna still hasn't finished it. Probably Gato terrorizing them again. The bridge wasn't finished yet since there was still construction going on.

"Wow! It's huge!" Naruto yelled in excitement.

"Be quiet! I told you no noise! We can't be seen by them" The rower spoke quietly. Kakashi gave a look to Tazuna as we watched them

"Before we reach land, I have to ask you something. The man who is after you, I need to know why. If you don't tell us, I'm afraid we'll have to end this mission when we reach" We looked at Tazuna, waiting for his response. I already knew the reason

"I guess I have no choice. The one who seeks my life is a very short man who casts a very long and deadly shadow..." Tazuna began. Kakashi hummed

"Who is it?" He bluntly asked Tazuna who closed his eyes

"I'm pretty sure you know him, or at least his name. He's one of the wealthiest men in the world. His name is-" I cut him off

"Gato" Everyone looked at me in surprise.

"(Y/N), how do you know Gato?" Kakashi asked me, looking at me with suspicion. I glanced at him

"I met Gato when I came to the Land of Waves. The bastard tried to recruit me but I turned him down and sort of threatened him a bit. He didn't like that, so he tried to get me killed. Let's just say he didn't succeed..." I explained. Kakashi nodded his head

"Gato is indeed a business man. But underneath that farce, the same method which he used to take over businesses, he sells drugs and other contraband using gangs and other ninja's. It was a year ago, when Gato set his sights on the Land of Waves. He came onto our land and took control over our transport and shipping. Anyone who tried to stand in his way simply disappeared, never to be heard of again," Tazuna said

"In an Island nation, a man who controls the sea controls everything! Finance, government, even our very lives. But there's one thing he fears, the bridge. When it is complete, it will join us to land and that will break his control. I am the bridge builder." Tazuna finished. It was silent until Sakura spoke up

"I get it now, since you're in charge of building the bridge you're standing in his gangsters way" Sakura summarized

"So those guys in the forest, they were working for Gato" Sasuke added. Naruto looked confused. I looked at Kakashi

"I don't understand. If you knew he was dangerous and sent ninja's to annihilate you, why did you hide that from us?" Kakashi demanded. I decided to answer for Tazuna

"Because the land of waves is a poor country. There's hardly any currency for anyone. Not to mention the citizens can't afford to pay for higher ranked missions. It's too expensive for them." I clarified. They looked down in thought

"That's right. And if you drop me ashore, there'll be no bridge. They'll assassinate me before I can reach home," Tazuna said.

"But don't feel bad about that! Of course my sweet, innocent, little grandson will be upset. He'll cry! Granddad! I want my Granddad! And let's not forget about my young daughter. She'll blame the Hidden Leaf Ninja's and blame you guys for abandoning me and living her life in sorrow! Oh well, it's not your fault. Forget it!" Tazuna blackmailed. We sweat-dropped.

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