Convincing Obito

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Warning: There's a bit more cursing here then usual, hope y'alls don't mind.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was angry. Actually, that's an understatement. I am so unbelievably, uncontrollably enraged; I wouldn't even so much as get out of my own home. They picked Danzo as the substitute? Are you fucking kidding me? Fuck Danzo, but then again...he hasn't really done anything bad to Konoha as the current hokage, so I can't do anything about this, even though he's a piece of shit.

Then find proof, you have the right to do so. Danzo is a very secretive man, and that right arm of his, I know there's something wrong about it, I can sense it. Can't you?

Yes, I can sense it. He has the eyes of the fallen Uchiha's embedded in that arm of his, it's honestly disgusting, but no one would believe me. The people in Konoha still think I'm an outsider other then a select few, they wouldn't believe me even if I had proof. Society truly is corrupted.

That may be true, but you can still change the outcome, Sasori and Deidara could help you. If the three of you are able to find proof and demote Danzo, and the elders turn you down, wouldn't it make them look biased? Horrible?

So what? They don't believe Sasori and Deidara even after everything they've done for Konoha, they too are still considered as outsiders. Honestly, how much do we have to sacrifice to gain the trust of this village? Haven't I given up enough already?

You don't have to be acknowledged by everyone, you should know that out of all people. They don't know you, you don't know them, so why should you care? They don't know you personally so that means that they don't know what you are truly like, all the things that they have said are purely based on what other people say. A study has been recently conducted. If Person A conveys a message to Person B, and Person B conveys the very same message to another person, there is a huge chance that the very same message will be altered and I am sure that is the case with the people of Konoha.

Shadow appeared in his human form, hugging me, "They don't know that you are loving, caring, determined, helpful, forgiving, funny, beautiful and the best daughter I could ever ask for; I wouldn't change a single thing about you. Well...other than the fact that you keep blaming and beating yourself up for things you aren't responsible for, but that just proves how much effort you put into improving yourself so you could save others. You should be kinder and more forgiving to yourself, (Y/n). If they don't like you, it's their loss."

The ravenette chuckled for a brief moment, "I'm sure others say that you are very beautiful and kind, but...a few jealous little shits just had to exist and spread rumors about you."

"Thanks....Dad, that really helped," I smiled as tears of thankfulness and happiness started to trail down my (e/c) eyes.

Shadow brightened up like a Christmas tree as I called him dad, "Your such a simpleton sometimes," I teased, smiling.

"I know I am, but if someone as amazing such as yourself compliments me, how could I not be overjoyed?" Shadow continued to mutter sweet nothings into my ear.

"And what I'm saying...they aren't sweet nothings, (Y/n), I really mean it," the dragon ruffled my hair and gave me one last smile before he retreated to the dreamscape.

Even after he said those words, I still felt like I wasn't enough, I know what Shadow said is right, but I couldn't help myself feel as if I'm a nobody. I forced myself out of bed and made myself, Deidara and Sasori breakfast. I had a small smile on my face as I spotted the duo making their way towards the kitchen.

The three of us sat down, a calming, pleasant silence took over the kitchen as we ate our pancakes. I looked at the redette and blond, I'm really lucky to have friends like them who's always got my back, I wonder what I did to deserve this. Deidara and Sasori looked up, noticing that I had been staring at them.

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