Back To Konoha

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(Y/n)'s POV

I looked up, my eyes wondering over the dark starry sky. Another night alone, away from Konoha. I reached out, my hands open, I was trying to detect Naruto's chakra. He is back in Konoha. I flinched as I felt a sudden change in his chakra, there's something missing, but what is it?

I scrunched my eyebrows in deep focus, my eyes widened in shock. The change in Naruto's wasn't a change at all, it's just Naruto's chakra in it's purest form. My discovery had made me confused, if this is Naruto's real chakra then it meant that his chakra was infused with another's. Again, the second conclusion had made me a lot more confused.

I took a deep breath, I tried to remember what Naruto's infused chakra was like. My jaw had dropped in realization, I recognized this chakra! I quickly searched through the deepest ends of my mind, Shadow, are you still awake?

Yes, I am, what is it, (Y/n)?

The chakra that was infused with Naruto's, is it Minato's?

Yes, you are right. When the fourth hokage sealed Kurama away, he knew he was going to die so he had placed his chakra in his son so he could one day guide him and stop him from releasing Kurama. Minato Namikaze truly is one of the smartest people to have ever walked the surface of this earth.

My eyes widened at Shadow's praise, it wasn't everyday he complemented someone, that explains a lot. Does that mean that Naruto has finally met his father?

I wonder what type of reaction Naruto had when he met him, I bet he felt angry but prideful at the same time.

I agree with know, Shadow?

Yes, (Y/n)?

Do you think it would be a good idea to bring Minato back yo life?

Why would you do something like that?

I know Natuto never knew his parents, I bet he would be happy if I brought them back to life, don't you think? He didn't have much of a childhood, and I know how horrible it feels to never know what a parent's love is like. It's absolutely painful, but I had you to help me while Naruto had no one to rely on.

Why don't you ask Minato how he would feel about that? We still have time before we go back to Konoha.

That would he a great idea Shadow, but shouldn't we also ask Naruto how he feels?

Not to be offensive or rude, but I feel as if Naruto is sometimes too immature to make proper decisions for himself.

No offense taken, I know Naruto would always be a toddler at heart.

I broke off my mental conversation with the dragon, drawing a bloodied pentagram as I stood. I performed the same ritual as I had when I resurrected Sasori and Deidara. The pentagram had shined a bright purple, there stood Minato Namikaze in all his glory with a comical confused expression on his face .

His familiar yet stranger like blue eyes locked with my own (e/c) pools, his eyes are so much like Naruto's, it's frightening. The blond was instantly on guard, his previously soft blue eye were now as sharp as shards, "Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm no enemy, I summoned you to ask for your opinion you see..." my voice trailed off in the end, I felt shy but I couldn't understand why I had felt that emotion.

"My opinion? I know you?" Minato asked, tilting his head in curiosity. I felt somewhat disappointed that he still had his guard up, but that's what makes a good hokage.

"I know you son, Naruto, I'm his first friend in fact. I was wondering, would you want a second chance?" I asked, the feeling of shyness still present.

"You know Naruto? And what do you mean by a second chance?" He questioned, his head still tilted.

"Before you could raise Naruto, you had passed away because you had sealed the nine-tails in him. What I mean by a second chance is me bringing you back to life to have another shot of raising Naruto. Well not raising Naruto, but another chance in having a father-son like relationship with him. If you know what I mean," I elaborated, a shocked look flashed across Minato's face.

"You...can do that? It would be great if you could!" His light blue eyes brightened with hope, he looks too much like Naruto, it's very endearing in a way.

"Of course I can, in fact, you are in the world of the living if you haven't realized," I gestured towards the forrest that surrounded us, the look of shock was more prominent than ever on Minato's face.

His expression shifted from a shocked one to a teasing one, "You're going so far as to bring me back to life to make Naruto happy, are you perhaps his girlfriend?"

My face immediately heated up at the blond's assumption, "N-no, I'm not, I'm just a really close friend of Naruto."

"That's not true," a familiar voice spoke up from behind me, I turned around to see Shadow standing there in all of his emo glory.

"Who might you be?" Minato asked, the mischievous grin he had on his face widened.

"I am Shadow, (Y/n)'s guardian. I can certainly admit that your son has taken a special kind of interest in my daughter if you know what I'm implying," I wanted a hole to appear below me and suck me whole, the embarrassment that I was feeling right now was life draining, it doesn't help that Minato and Shadow are enabling each other, they would make perfect friends.

"(Y/n)? You're the girl Naruto told me about! He seems to view of you so highly, I approve! Can I call you mu daughter-in-law?" Whatever supreme being is out there please kill me now. What did I do to deserve this?

"L-like I-I said, I-I'm not N-Naruto's girlfriend," I tried to explain, the blond completely ignored my previous statement.

"Doesn't that mean you'll have to call me your father in law? Feel free to call me dad, (Y/n)," Minato sent me a bright grin, it's so similar to Naruto's.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Naruto has some competition, scratch that, he has very heavy competition. If he were to steal my daughter's heart, he would have to try harder," Shadow informed.

Minato's blue eyes gleamed with determination, "I have faith in my son, he will succeed."

"Can-can you stop? We should go to bed, we're going to ravel back to Konoha by tomorrow morning," I pleaded, if they don't stop I will be forced to put an end to my misery myself.

"Only because we have to travel early tomorrow morning," Minato said, I regret doing any of this, I regret resurrecting Minato all because of Shadow. These two will probably be the main cause of my death.

"Okay," I weakly agreed, burying myself deeper into the tall stack of blankets.

Time skip~

I felt a wave of relief as I was in front of Konoha's gates, but the feeling of relief was instantly washed away as a feeling of anger and confusion rose in me. I was back, I was in Konoha but...Konoha was in shambles.

A/n: Enjoy

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