Chunin Exams

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Team 7 and I were called to meet at a bridge in the morning by Kakashi. I bet it has something to do with the Chunin Exams. Sasuke was leaning on the rail staring into the water. Naruto stood not too far from me and Sakura was glaring at me for no reason in particular.

"Why do you always wear Kimono's? Is it because it hides your ugly body?!" Sakura demanded. I glanced at her but paid her no attention. Naruto frowned at Sakura's comment and was about to say something until I gave him a look.

"Why are you so interested in my choice of clothing? Instead of troubling yourself with me why don't you find something to actually educate that brain of yours?" I retorted. She gave me a disgusted look before turning away.

I went back to staring into the clear water, watching the Koi fish swim around. Believe it or not but I was actually thinking about Gaara. Apparently it seems that Shukaku is torturing the poor boy. Looks like I'll have to talk to that one-tailed raccoon.

"Why!? Kakashi-Sensei always does this! He makes us come early but doesn't show up, and has us waiting here for hours!" Sakura shouted in frustration

"Yeah! Totally not fair, believe it!" Naruto agreed with her. I raised an eyebrow.

"What about me? I rushed here so fast I didn't even get to blow dry my hair!" Sakura ranted, looking furious

"Me too! I didn't even get time to brush my teeth or change my underwear!" I deadpanned at Naruto. Shadow was shaking his head

'That is very....disgusting' I nodded my head in agreement. Sasuke scoffed while looking around.

Suddenly I sensed Kakashi coming so I looked up and he appeared in a flash "Yo, morning everyone! Sorry I was late, I was lost on the path of life" I grinned behind my fan.

"You liar!!" Naruto and Sakura shouted. Kakashi jumped down and landed in front of us.

"I know this is sudden, but I recommended you for the Chunin Exams. All three of you. These are the applications." Kakashi announces and hands them their application before turning to me

"(Y/N), the Hokage wishes to speak to you" I nodded before waving at team. I 'Poofed' into Grandpa Hokage's office. He jumped and held his hand over his heart before giving me a smile

"You're so quiet (Y/N), you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I smiled sheepishly before closing my fan and putting it away. Grandpa Hokage became serious

"I suppose you know why I called you here. It's regarding the Chunin Exams," He started. I nodded and waited for him to continue

"I have decided that you won't participate with your team. You'll be taking the exams alone" He announced. I was about to ask why before he answered that question

"The reason why I'm asking you to take the exams alone is because you're an S-Rank Ninja, so you'll be fine by yourself. But, that's not the only reason. I am giving you an mission," He paused before continuing "I want you to monitor the Chunin Exams from the inside and report any suspicious activity or person to me. Understand?" I nodded my head

"I understand. But may I ask why?" He sighed, huffing out smoke from his pipe "I have a feeling that something is going to happen. I am unsure right now, but I have an inkling that the Leaf Village will be attacked. That's why I have increased the number of security of who enters and who leaves. I trust that you'll look after your team as well as the others not only because of the mission but because they are your friends," He smiled warmly at me.

"Of course! Don't worry Grandpa Hokage, I won't tell anyone about this and I promise to look after the teams. If I see anything suspicious, I'll inform you right away" I spoke in a serious tone. He nodded

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