Senju Brothers

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(Y/n)'s POV

No matter how much chakra I poured into the summon, the Senju brothers still wouldn't appear, it was truly frustrating to me. I flopped onto the ground, beads of sweat rolling down my forehead. Being in a cave filled with nothing but bright crystals didn't exactly do well for me too. It was over all a hellish experience for me.

I let out a disgruntled groan, "I don't think I could do this anymore."

"Come on (Y/n), I know you could do it. Everyone's depending on you," Sakura cheered me on; she had been the one supervising me.

Some people may say that it was a foolish decision to have Sakura support me instead of putting her out on the battlefield, but Tsunade had managed to convince them that having me summon the Senju brothers was our top priority. Gaara had offered to stay behind and monitor me, but he was forced to fight since he needed to lead his people.

"Please don't put more pressure on me, it's doing more harm than help," I pleaded.

"Sorry," she apologized.

"You know, Sakura, I think there's a way you could help me."


"When I'm summoning them, press your hand on my back and send as much chakra as you could," I ordered.

"Okay," she nodded her head.

I started the summoning ritual from the very beginning. I felt a heavy weight lifted off of me when Sakura placed her hand on my back, it's working! I continued to pour more and more chakra. Fourty minutes had past, I was still constantly pouring chakra while Sakura had started to waver. The amount of chakra she was pouring in wasn't as steady.

By then, I definitely could feel the presence of a strong being. "Come on Sakura, we could do this, just a bit more!"

"How do you even do this, (Y/n)? This is hellish!" She complained, panting.

"I've gotten used to it through training. Now focus, it's better if we don't talk."

Another minute passed, I was about to stop pouring in more power, thinking we had failed. I froze, a bright light glowed in front of me. Sakura and I were pushed back by a strong force. I let out a groan as I felt a sharp, searing pain on my back. Whoever I summoned, they have a lot of chakra.

I was pleasantly met with the curious brown orbs of Hashirama Senju, thank god it worked. I quickly explained the situation to him, the former hokage nodded his head in understanding. I heard from Tsunade that Hashirama was a very carefree man, he didn't seem to be carefree seeing how serious he was at the moment.

"Sorry, but did I hear you correctly? You're (Y/n) (L/n)?" Hashirama asked for clarification.

"Yes, what of it?" I tilted my head in curiosity, were my ancestors related to the Senju's? We were known to be quite the powerful clan back then...

"That explains it! You look really similar to Mitsuri (L/n)! With that (h/c) hair of yours and (e/c) eyes, I honestly would have thought you were Mitsuri if you didn't introduce yourself," he joyously laughed, so this is what Tsunade means by carefree. He's laughing when I had literally just explained what was going on. I could only deadpan, and another thing Tsunade told me was that Hashirama likes gambling.

"Mitsuri...?" The name Mitsuri (L/n) seemed familiar to me. If I recall correctly, she was the first (L/n) to befriend Shadow; she was also known as one of the strongest ninjas at the time.

"I was originally supposed to be engaged to her, but I ended up marrying Mito instead," he explained.

"Oh," I was shocked, I could have been a Senju.

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