Forest Of Death

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I was staring at the huge forest in front of me. It was heavily surrounded by gates that had a number inscribed at the top of it. My eye twitched when I saw the biggest centipede crawling on the tree. I deadpanned.

'Looks like it's a battle to the death....' Shadow laughed. I rolled my eyes but couldn't contain a smirk.

"....................." Birds were chirping in the background as everyone stared at the forest in anticipation

"This place sure is creepy" Sakura shivered.

Anko who stood in front of us all smirks "It should. They call it the Forest of Death, and soon enough you're gonna find out why"

Naruto huffed before sticking his butt out mimicking Anko "They call it the Forest of Death, but soon enough you're gonna find out why!" I mentally face-palmed

"Do your worst! You're not gonna scare me, I could handle anything!" Naruto said with a determined look.

Anko smiled innocently at Naruto "So, looks like we got a tough guy" She quickly threw a Kunai at Naruto, making it whiz pass his face. She flashed behind him

"You're not afraid are you? You see, guys like you leave their blood everywhere," I narrowed my eyes and drew both my Sai's. I pointed one at Anko and the other at the suspicious Grass Ninja who held Anko's previous Kunai in her disgustingly long tongue of her.

"I was just returning your knife" She hissed towards Anko. Shadow growled in my mind. I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

Without hesitation I swung my Sai, narrowly missing her long tongue as she moved back a little in surprise. Everyone stared at me as I coughed in my hand

"I thought I saw a snake on the ground," I shrugged and glanced at the long-tongue lady who was staring at me in suspicion. I smiled sweetly at her before turning on my heal. I grabbed Naruto's wrist and dragged him back towards his team. He was still staring bug-eyed at the Grass Ninja.

We watched their small interaction as I stood next to Team 7.

"Why thank you Grass Ninja. I suggest you don't stand too close to me if don't want to die early." Anko snatched her Kunai from her.

"I apologize, with the sight of blood on your blade slicing through my hair I became a bit excited. I meant no harm" She creepily replied.

Anko looked back at all of us "Before we begin, I have something to give you all" She held out a stack of papers in her hand.

"It's just a consent form, that's all. Every single one of you has to sign these" Anko laughed

"Why?" Naruto asks

"Some of you may not make it back alive so I have to make sure I get your consent for that risk. Otherwise it'll be my responsibility" She chuckled

"Before we begin, I'm gonna be explaining some things," She hands Naruto the forms, who starts passing them out. I took a form before passing it on.

"This exam will be testing your survival skills. First, I'll give you guys a description of the terrain. This training field has 44 locked entrance gates. There are rivers and a forest inside. In the center, is a locked tower located 10 Kilometers from each gate. In this forest, you'll be going through a survival test to get these scrolls" She held up two scrolls.

"Both of them?" Kabuto questioned. She nodded

"Yes. You'll be fighting to get a Heaven scroll and an Earth Scroll. All together, 26 teams will be participating along with a solo taker," She glanced at me. The other participants caught her gaze and were staring at me like I'm prey.

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