Momentary Happiness

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up and did my usual morning routine then cooked breakfast after. The 'mini' living space Gaara let us live in was actually pretty big, it had a kitchen, a balcony, a living room and a bedroom. I hummed (favorite song), it is one of my favorite songs. I heard the door creak open, I knew it was Obito.

"Hello Obito, how are you doing today?" I asked, skillfully flipping an egg mid air.

"Good, do you have anything planned for the day?" He asked.

"Mm, I don't know...Maybe spend time with Gaara? I haven't talked to him for a long while," I mumbled, still humming the song.

Obito's POV

I dreamily stared at (Y/n), the (h/c)ette was absolutely beautiful under the lighting of the morning sun and her was perfect. I wished all mornings were as peaceful as this. I could almost imagine our children bursting through the doors as they excitedly run up to (Y/n) for a hug before sitting on the table. Then, (Y/n) bringing the readied food to the table; me kissing her in thanks.

My cheeks were colored deep red as I thought of the scene, do I...not love Rin anymore? I-I don't it okay if I loved two people instead of one? Does that make me a bad person? I couldn't think straight in the flustered state I was in, I could only press my face against my hands.

"Obito, breakfast is ready." (Y/n) called out, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I gratefully accepted the toast, "Thank you (Y/n)."

"No need to thank me, I do this everyday for the boys....they couldn't cook even if their lives depended on it." A melodic chuckle escaped the female's lips, it was addicting to hear.

I took a bite of the toast, it's so delicious and flavorful, "This is so delicious, where did you learn how to cook?"

"When I was younger, I mostly had to survive on my own, so I was forced to learn how to cook. Shadow also taught me how, but he mostly taught me how to bake sweets." The (h/c)ette replied, there's this Shadow person again, I wonder who he is....

"Say, who's Shadow?" I asked, looking up from my almost finished meal.

"Oh, he's my guardian. He's looked after me ever since I was a baby. My parents couldn't take care of me since they were killed, but it's all right; I wouldn't replace Shadow for the world." (Y/n) lovingly smiled at the mention of said person, I wish she would smile at me like that...or when she thinks of me.

"Have I seen him before?" I was curious, if this person is (Y/n)'s guardian, I should have seen him at least once.

"You've seen him once, he's...he's the one that comforted me when Sasuke left." (Y/n) gloomily muttered, I had the urge to comfort her immediately, but I thought it would have been awkward so I stopped myself from doing so; but I grabbed (Y/n)'s hand in mine, hopefully my warmth will be able to comfort her.

(Y/n) looked up, her gem like (e/c) orbs meeting with my own dark ones, "Thanks, Obito. I really appreciate it."

"Don't mention it." I replied, giving a comforting closed eyed smile.

"Anyways, I'm going to have lunch with Gaara later, actually. I forgot to tell you that, sorry. You and the girls will be fine if I leave you here, right?" The female gave me a concerned look, and she's always caring of others, she's so kind; too kind.

"Yes, we'll be fine. I'll protect them if anything happens." I stated, I would do anything...for (Y/n), but not what I did for Rin; that was wrong. I have to admit, I was delusional.

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