Meeting the blight boy

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Hunters pov:

"Bye captain!" I said waving willow goodbye. It had been a long practice and willow was working the team extra hard for the upcoming grudgby mach.

"See ya!" Willow waved, giving me a cute smile as she turned to walk away. My face warmed up a little at the sight.

Willow was the strongest witch ive ever met. So cool and confident- beautiful too. I couldn't help but admire her.

"Hunter are ya ready to go?" Luz asked, coming up behind me- Amity at her side.

"Huh? Oh yeah." I replied, snapping away from my thoughts.

"You seem pretty lost in thoughts there Hunter." Luz said, whatcha thinking about?

"Nobody." I lied, looking away.

"yeah ok buddy" Luz shrugged, "lets get home."

"Uh huh." I replied, glancing back in Willows direction.

. . . That evening.

Amity and luz were sitting on the couch together while i was at the table doing homework.

"Your so beautiful Amity." I heard Luz say.

"Awe stop it sweet potato" Amity giggled

"No cause its true." Luz replied, followed by the sound of a kiss.

"Will you guys be quiet?" I groaned, pencil tip snapping on my paper.

"Why- you jealous?" Luz teased.

I turned to look at her and saw she was sticking her tongue out at me.

"never mind ill just leave." I sighed, picking up my notebook. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Hello?" I asked, opening it up.

"Hey im here for Amity?" A green haired boy said, shoving his hands in his pockets and smirking at me.

"Why didnt you just text Edric." Amity sighed, walking outside.

"Cause i dont trust you to leave within five minutes when i text." Edric grinned, shoving her gently.

"Are you saying i have five more minutes?" Amity said, half joking but edric shrugged.

Amity went back inside.

There was a silence.

"Edric huh?" I said, trying to cut the tension.

"Yup, Edric blight." He smiled.

"Well ok." I shrugged, "Im Hunter."

"Do you mind if i call you handsome instead?" He winked, causing my face to heat up a little.

I looked at him, a baffled expression crossing my face. Edric must have noiced cause he shrugged.

"Well Hunter, your Luzes big brother right? I guess were going to see a lot more of each other if they keep seeing each other as much as they have been."

"Guess so." I said, just then Amity walked back outside, her face red.

"Alright Ed im ready to go." She said, brushing past him.

"See you round Handsome." Edric said, waving goodbye.

That was weird. I thought to myself as i went inside. Oh well, now that luz was free she could give me tips on how to ask Willow to grom.


Welcome to this goofly lil fic

Warning this will probably be kinda out of charcacter- stop reading if you like only cannon personalitys

Thx for reading!

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