Good at romance

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Hunters pov:

Weeks passed, months passed, it was all a blur to be honest. Time flies when your having fun I guess.

It was late spring now. The air was warm, the flowers were in full bloom, and grugby practice was almost harder then usual. (Willow said she would die before the team got out of shape over the summer)

"Hey Hunter!" Willow said, waving me down after a long day of practice.

"Yeah whats up? If its if its about the rumors about The Wild Witch club being canceled next week its not true. Bosha was just saying that so people wouldn't come."

"Ah good to know, thank you!" Willow grinned. "Damn why does she keep doing stuff like that?"

"Shes just jealous she got banned." I smirked. "See you later?"

"Yup. Later bro."

On my way from the practice field Emria waved me down.

"Hey, have you seen Edric?"

"No, I thought he was with you." I replied, vaguely confused.

"Same here." Em shrugged, "Said something about being a good boyfriend and then ran off."

"You're here!" Viney smiled, running up to Em out of nowhere.

"Of course im here." Em grinned, giving Viney a quick kiss, "Are you ready to head out?"

After the two had wandered off I picked up my bag and began the walk home, pondering what Emria had said.

What could Edric possibly be doing?

. . .

Edrics pov:

Weeks passed, months passed. The club was formed and continued to meet up even after school had ended. It was made up of Hunter and I, Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Matt, Barkus, Jerbo, Skara, Viney, Emria, and a few others too. An incredibly successful organization thanks to Edas leadership.

Hunter is seriously the best boyfriend ever, out of everyone I had ever been in a relationship with he was the sweetest, the prettiest, and made me the most happy. Plus he does the cuteist things all the time. From bringing me lunch, stealing kisses in between class, to running his fingers though my hair when we cuddle.

As nice as those things were however, nothing could beat the late nights we spent together, staring up at the sky at night, or walking through the woods hand in hand, deep in conversation.

Today is our four month anniversary and Im going to tell him I love him. Ive been in love with him for a while of course, but nerves and insicuriets somehow always get in the way.

Not this time.

But first things first, I was going to get him flowers, and the best place for flowers is deep in the woods.

. . .

When I finally arrived at Hunters place I was a little bit scuffed up, a few leaves stuck in my hair from digging around in the bushes.

"Edric where have you-" Hunter said before stopping to look me up and down.

"Hey Handsome!" I beamed "Happy four months!"

"Already?" Hunter grinned, "Happy four months Edric."

"I picked you wildflowers." I continued, winking at him and handing him the bouquet with a dramatic flourish. "The best ones- none better then you of course."

"Why are you comparing me to flowers?" Hunter teased, brushing the leaves from my hair, "Come inside and clean up a bit."

I nodded, following him though the door until Hunter stopped and turned back to me.

"And Edric?"


He took a step closer and leaned in before gently resting a hand on the side of my face. My breath caught. I would never get used to having him so close.

"I love you." I said, heart racing.

Hunter looked surprised for a second before his face broke into a grin. "Thats what I was about to say."

"Then say it." I replied, grinning back and putting my hands around his waist.

"I love you Edric, I love you so much."

Then we were kissing. The gentle breeze ruffling my hair, the soft scent of flowers, Hunters arms wrapped around me.

I love you too Hunter.

I love you too.


Thank you so much to everyone that reads this!! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to see you in future fics :D

Love yalls

The end

(ps take a shot evey time this chapter says "love")

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