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Hunters pov:

Inside i sat down next to Luz. "Hey can you give me some advice?"

"Sure." Luz said, "What for?"

"I- I want to ask willow to grom and-"

"HA!" Luz said, whipping out a notebook. "I called it! Anyway heres a list of her favorite flowers . . . "

Hunter handed me a long list, "Why do i need this?"

"Cause if your going to ask someone like willow to grom your gonna need flowers." Luz shrugged, "So what do you like about her?"

"Shes strong, confidant, really beautiful- i-" I stopped, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed, "Shes just cool i guess."

"mmmhmm" Luz said, scribbling something down, "Here loverboy give this to her tomorrow plus a flower."

"What?" I said, grabbing the note.

"Dear willow" It read, "I you're cool, strong and beautiful. I would love if you went to grom with me -Hunter"

"What the heck Luz!" I gasped, "I cant give this to her!"

"Then just ask her face to face." Luz shrugged.

"Maybe i will." I replied, sticking my tongue out at her.

"Tomorrow." Luz said, folding their arms.

"Fine- wait what?" I gulped."

"Ha! No backing out now hunter" >:3

"what if she rejects me?"

"Then sucks to be you." Luz shrugged, "Good luck sad boi."

. . .

Next day after school i waited for willow next to her locker, imagining how i would sweep her off her feet at grom, and then take her by the hand and guide her to the courtyard where we would laugh and dance together with nobody around.

"Hunter can you move?" I heard willow say, snapping me back to reality.

"Uh yeah sorry." I said, stepping away from her locker.

After willow put away her books she looked at me expectantly.

"Um. . ." I said, wondering if i should run away.

"Um?" Willow said, "Do you need to talk to me?"

"Yes!" I said before slapping a hand over my mouth. "I mean yes i do."

"Ok then, if its about the rumors about flyer derby being canceled their not true. Bosha was just saying that so people wouldn't come watch us preform."

"No its not that." I said, "Its about grom."


"Yeah, Willow . . ." I said, taking a breath, "Will you go to grom with me?"

"No, sorry hunter- i would have loved to go as friends but Skara already asked me." Willow replied, giving me a sympathetic smile.

Friends? Skara? Of course- why had i even asked? of course she didnt like me.

"Yeah shame." I shrugged, brushing it off. "Skara huh?"

Willow blushed. "I dont know- shes just really cool"

I felt my heart twinge a little. "Yeah she is." I forced a smile, "Good luck captain!"

With that i turned and walked away. Stuffing my hands in my pockets to stop the shaking.

What to do now? Move on? Try to make her like me?

Outside i took a few breths to clear my head but the same idea reappeared. Try make her like me? That would be stupid. How would i even do it?

As i walked away a vauge idea began to form in my head.

Maybe if I got a partner I could show Willow what shes missing. Then she would leave skara and ask for a second chance.

Oh yeah . . . its all coming together.


Hunter i love you, but your not the sharpest crayon in the box  :0

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