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Hunters pov

Back at the owl house everyone was just relaxing on the couch.

"Some shortcut." Amity scoffed, Where were you?"'

"Making out under a tree is my guess." Luz teased. "But seriously its been like three hours."

"Oh yeah!" Edric broke into a grin, "We went griffin hunting!"

"Sounds cool." Amity smiled, "Find any?"

"We found a male!" I grinned, "It was so cool! I cant wait to tell Viney."

"No way." Amity raised an eyebrow, "actually?"

"Actually." Edric boasted, looking incredably proud of himself.

"Oh you finally showed up." Willow smiled, entering the room with a plate of cookies. "Oh you guys are a mess."

I looked down at my muddy clothes and smiled back sheepishly. "Come on Edric, lets go get changed."

Seeing Willow today felt different, like a fog had been lifted. Willow was a cool, capable witch. And my friend, nothing more.

Upstairs Edric dug around in his bag, "crap I forgot my extra shirt."

"Its fine you can borrow a hoodie." I said, instinctively tossing him my favorite one. "Ill go change in the bathroom."

After changing I stared in the mirror for a good minute, trying to process the events of the evening, and how i was feeling. Did I have a crush on Edric? No way, I probably just felt about him how I felt about willow. Admiration, nothing more. After all, I was terrible at figuring out my emotions.

After knocking on the door edric told me to come in. Stepping in my room I was greeted by the cutest sight in the world. Edric in my over-sized wolf hoodie.

"What do you think?"

"You look adorable." I grinned, "Now lets go get supper."

"So you do think im cute!" Edric gasped.

"uh." I said, face going red, "Yeah, I do."

Edrics pov:

A few hours later the two of us were laying together in hunters bed, so close we were almost touching. Almost. Oh titan I wanted to hug him so bad.

"Want to cuddle?" I asked. Feeling a little bold.

"Yeah." Hunter immediately replied, much to my surprise.

"Wait really?"

"Im cold."

wrapping my arms around him, I pulled Hunter into my chest. Praying to titan he wouldn't suddenly change his mind and hate me forever.

"Why is your heart beating so fast?" Hunter asked, slightly concerned.

"I- Its normally like that." I said, trying to brush it off. Fuck why was I like this.

"Alright." He yawned, putting his arms around my waist, "Goodnight."

"Uh- goodnight." I muttered, thankful the darkness was hiding my bright red face.


My touch starved bois :3

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