Phase one

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Hunters pov:

I grinned as i walked though the schoolyard. All i needed to set the plan in action was a partner. Now who would be the best candidate? I scanned the crowd of teens mingling around.

The tall, thin anarchist jerbo? The strong and super smart beastkeeper Viney? I pondered them for a second before my eyes wandered over too the two greed haired witches across the path. Emria and Edric.


They were both cute (especially Edric) and both seemed mischievous enough to go along with this sort of thing.

"hey Ed! Hey Em!" I said, waving at them. Em gave Edric a shove and they both walked over.

"Hey hunter! Whats up?' Emria said, "Make it quick cause i have a meeting."

"You do?" Edric asked, looking confused.


"Ah you can go ahead, i was just bored and wanted someone to walk home with." I said.

"You two have fun then." Emria winked, walking the other direction.

"So..." Edric started, "The owl house?"

"Yep. I said, starting to walk, edric matching my pace.

"How was your day?" He asked.

I grinned slyly. A simple question? Or an opportunity?

It was an opportunity obviously

"Not great." I sighed, trying to look deflated.

"Really? Also what was that look for?" Edric asked.

"What look?"

"You-nevermind. Tell me about your day." Edric said with a shrug.

"Oh yeah, I asked willow to grom."

"She rejected you?"

Edrics pov

"Yeah." Hunter sighed, before looking over at me, "But I have a plan."

I raised an eyebrow. This was going to be interesting.

"If I date someone else shes going to realize whats shes missing." Hunter grinned, looking quite proud of himself.

"And break someone else's heart in the process?"

"No!" Hunter gasped, "I dont want to do that! We would only be fake-dating."

"We?" I asked, shooting him a little grin.

"Only if you want to of course." He said, "no pressure."

He was so cute. I smiled, feeling a little blush creeping up my cheeks before shoving the feeling back.

Fake dating only turned into real dating in fiction.

"Sure why not?"

"Awesome!" Hunter beamed. Eyes sparkling.

I looked away. heart beating a little faster.

"Edric you dont have to hold my hand, nobody's around."

"Just getting in character." I shrugged.

"Makes sense." Hunter replied, gripping my hand a little tighter.

I smiled to myself. Even if this was going to be short lived i was happy i was dating hunter- even if its fake.


This couldent possibly lead to angst later :)

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