Grom is coming

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Edrics pov:

Grom is tonight. I want to ask hunter so bad. Every time we hang out its all i can think about.

I can see it in my head, replaying when i try to sleep.

Hunter, will you go to grom with me?

Edric we were just friends, why cant we just be that? Nevermind, I dont want to be near you anymore. Also your ugly.

a simple daydream turning into mess of anxiety. I cant ask him, I cant.

"Hey Edric, Its been a few days so we should probably talk about it again." Hunter said.

"Y-yeah?" I asked, wiping my palms.

"When are we going to "break up"? I think I know how to pull it off now."

"After grom." I said, wanting to put it off as long as possible. "lots of couples break up after grom."


"Sometimes I forget you're never really involved in school drama. Sometimes one partner is a bad dancer, or spills stuff on the other, or cant come- making the other mad. Or One of them makes to grand a gesture or says something stupid. The possibility's are endless really."

"Are we talking about all your breakups again?" Emria said, sliding into the conversation. "Honestly hope you and hunter work out- Comforting Edric for the billionth time is not gonna be pretty."

"Ive only had twelve!" I protested.

Hunter raised an eyebrow, "Dang, I guess your pretty popular with everyone then."

"Well yeah, until I dont fit their expectations, or mess something up, or they see my real face."

"But your face is cute!" Hunter protested, making me blush a little.

"Im gonna leave you two alone." Emria shrugged, "Have fun at grom."

Once she was gone I looked back over at hunter. May as well tell him now before it dissapoints him later. "Im wearing a glader stone Hunter. My real face is- well its not this one."

"Why?" He asked, stepping a little closer.

"Cause im ugly."

"Now Im curous." Hunter raised an eyebrow.

Hunters pov:

"No!" Edric protested, "You wont like me anymore!"

"Convince me."

"I have acne."

"Thats normal Edric."

"People think its gross."

"Its not gross." I protested, "Come on bro."

"I have glasses too."

"Whats wrong with glasses?"

"My hair a mess, my clothes are just pjs because sometimes I dont have the energy to change, or shave, and my teeth a a little bit yellow?"

"Edric you dont have to show me if you really dont want, im sorry for pressuring you."

Edric sighed, "You know what? Fine." and with that he slid and invisible bracelet off his hand.

The illusion dissipated and suddenly Edric was no longer well groomed and confidant but shy, and a little disheveled.

In my opinion this just made him a billion times cuter.

"Why are you covering your face?" Edric asked, sounding disappointed. "I was right wasn't I"

"No." I muttered, my face burning red. Ah fuck, I did have a crush on Edric didnt I. What am I supposed to do? And my face probably looks dumb all red and flushed. "I have to go now. see you at grom?"

"Yeah..." Edric said, "See you at grom."


Oo drama

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