A distraction

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The walk back was weird at first, Edrics face was still tinted red for some reason and my stomach kept flopping around.

As he walked next to me I was hyper aware of his hand, almost bushing mine.

For some reason I wanted for us to hold hands again.

"Oh!" Edric gasped, stopping dead in his tracks. "its a family of griffins!"

I gasped, looking in the direction Ed was pointing and sure enough, there they were. A Mother and two cubs curled up under a tree.

"Do you know what this means?" He grinned.

"Nope." I smiled, "Tell me!"

"It means theres a male griffin around somewhere." Edric explained, "Ive never seen one in person! I mean ive read all the beast keeping books but theres really not a lot on them cause they're kinda rare!"

"Do you... Want to go find it?" I asked, eyebrow raised.

"Yes!" Edric exclaimed, "Lets see, its evening so hes gonna be hunting. Griffins eat small creatures that live deeper in the north forest."

"I thought they eat spiders?" I asked.

"Nope." Edric said, "They breath spiders. Pretty cool huh?"

"Tell me more." I smiled.

I don't understand any of what Edric is saying, but he looks so happy talking, for some reason it makes me happy too.

I want him to keep being happy. I thought to myself. "Alright Edric." I said, "Lead the way."

* * *

"Edric can we stop for a minute?" I gasped, trying to catch my breath. We had been walking for a solid twenty minutes a that point. Edric confidently walking in from of me and talking about animal and potion facts the whole way.

"Oh of course!" Edric said, plopping down next to me, "Actually this place is perfect! Right next to the burs where the creatures like to hide. We're going to see a male griffin today I know it!"

"Yup." I said, taking a few more breaths.

"Oh am I talking too much?" Edric covered his mouth in embarrassment, "I was talking the whole way here wasn't I. Im sorry for annoying you hunter."

"What?" I gasped, instinctively putting a hand on his shoulder. "Edric I love listening to you talk!"

"What?" Ed asked, still looking upset.

"Im serious Ed. You couldn't be annoying if you tried."

Edric looked up at me, moving his hand away from his face. His eyes were welling up with tears. "Nobody has ever said that before." he said, voice small.

"Uhm." I said, not really knowing how to handle his crying, "Do you want a hug?"

Edric wrapped his arms around me, melting into my embrace.

Hugs usually made me feel weird but this one was different. This was a good kind of weird.


I looked up. Staring at us though the bushes was a griffin, but it wasn't just any griffin.

"Edric..." I whispered. Trying not to startle it.

Edric looked up at the creature and let out a quite breath. "No way."

The griffin was slightly smaller then the female, but its wings and tale made up for it. Shades of blue and green, with little splashes of red here and there.

"Hes beautiful." Edric said, amazed. I nodded, taking in its beautiful plumage. "Oh wait until the other hear about this."

"The others!" I gasped, voice still quiet, "They're probably worried by now. Edric we need to go!"

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