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Edrics pov

"yeah." I continued, "It kinda sounds like you just look up to her."

Hunter looked at me. Mouth slightly agape.

"Wait this is so confusing, how do I know whats a crush and whats something similar?"

"Uh lets see.." I said, thinking back to every romance novel I had ever read. "Would you kiss her?"

"No that would be weird." Hunter said, "But it would be less weird eventually I imagine."

I raised an eyebrow. "How often do you think about her?"

"Just as much as everyone else I think." Hunter shrugged, "Why does that matter?"

I sighed, leaning back onto the wall. "Just think about it ok?"


"And Hunter are we..." I trailed off, knowing exactly what he was going to stay. "Are we still dat- fake dating?"

"I guess not." He replied, looking unphased.

Something in my heart broke a little. He didnt even think about it, about us.

I guess wanting him to think about dating me for real was weird. We were  acquaintances at best and strangers at worst. I mean, we had only offically met a few days ago.

"Officaly" because Ive kinda had my eye on him for a while.

"We can still hang out though." Hunter smiled,  shattering my sullen mood.


"Yeah, this has been kinda fun."

"Fun?" I asked again, my face turning a little red. He thought I was fun? "I mean awesome."

Hunters pov:

"Say, want to come over friday? ill check with Eda first of course but like-"

"Yeah!" Edric grinned, "Yeah that sounds fun."

Hunter: Yo Eda can Edric come over friday?

Eda: Sure but Luzes friends will be over to

Hunter: Thanks!

I turned to Edric who looked back.

"This is gonna be a blast!"


I need to put a sleepover chapter is every single goldric fic i write (not sorry)

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