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Hunters pov:

"You dont look fine." I said, raising an eyebrow.

Edric didnt respond, instead walking to the dance floor.

"Edric." I said as he took my hand and began to lead us into a dance.

It was a slow song now. Couples were gathering around us, swaying in the low light.

I wanted to ask again, make him talk to me so this melancholy silence would leave us be. But Edric said nothing. He was still looking at the floor, trying to hide his face.

The music rose and fell as Edric and I slowly grew closer, so close his head was almost brushing my chest.

Titan I like Edric so much, seeing him like this sad and slow, like he was bracing for something terrible.

Enough was enough.

Edrics pov:

Suddenly I was in hunters arms, his hands lightly stroking my hair as the music fell again.

This caught me by surprise. Someone with ill intentions would never embrace me so gently. As if I was the dearest thing in the world to them, as if i was made of glass.

"Edric you dont have to talk to me." Hunter started, as my eyes began to well with tears. "But please listen. You are the most attractive person in the world. With or without your galder stone. I Like you. A lot. And im sorry I dont tell you earlier. I was just scared."

There was a pause before hunter rested his head on my shoulder, his heart beating so fast I could almost hear it.

"Hunter." I was grinning now, tears spilling down my face as the days anxiety washed away. "I like you too."

We were face to face now. Hunter was grinning back, his eyes sparkling in the now pink swirling light.

The music was picking up now. Hunter was wiping away my tears. his hand on my face.

I was leaning in now. Hunter was closing his eyes.

Then his lips were on mine. It was surreal. His lips were soft and warm against mine, the music swirling around us.

Then the kiss was over and we were dancing, spinning around in circles, laughing. Forgetting everyone, forgetting everything except each other.

And we were happy, and Hunter was looking back at me, and we were kissing again.

And then the night was over and we were outside the school, breathing in the fresh night air.

"And that's why we should start a wild magic club at school." Hunter was saying, "Eda could help sometimes. I mean she hates school, but she loves causing mayhem so like, i think she would be down."

"Oh totally." I agreed. "As long as batrick is the mascot."

"Couldn't think of a better candidate." Hunter smirked.

"Do you two know what time is?" Luz said, walking up to us. Amity close behind her "Yall are adorable but its latee. Everyone left and hour ago- except me and amity. We were waiting for you, and . . . talking." (kissing)

"Fine." Hunter sighed before glancing at me. "See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow." I smiled.


Hullo dear readers! The writing style of this one was a bit different- hope you still liked it! :D

(apoligies for the wait)

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