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"Luz! Luz i need help!" I gasped, crashing into her room after running home from school.

"Whats wrong?" Luz asked, looking concerned.

"I have a crush on edric!"

"Yeah, arent you dating?" Luz asked.

"Ah well, its complicated." I sighed, realizing that if I wanted Luz to help me I would have to explain this entire embarrassing situation to her. "Ah titan."


One explanation later

"Are you done laughing yet?" I sighed. Yup, regretting my decision already.

"So you were fake dating to make willow jealous, then willow didn't give a fuck, then you kept fake dating to avoid an awkward conversation?"  Luz wheezed. "Bahaha but now you have a crush on the dude."

"Its really not that funny." I blushed. "Can you just give me advice?"

"Same advice i gave for your willow situation." Luz shrugged, "Just tell him Hunter, Are you going to grom with him tonight?" 

I nodded.

"Do it at grom then, its like, the most perfect place to do it."

"And the worst!" I protested. "If he rejects me everyone will know in minutes!"

"if." Luz emphasized. "A little birdy told me he might feel the same way."

"What bird?" I asked, "Can you find them and double check?"

"Its a human saying." Luz rolled her eyes, "The bird is amity."

"Amity is a bird?"

"Nevermind hunter. Just tell him you like him and it will work out." Luz sighed.


"really. Now go get ready."

. . .

The loud music and shouting schoolkids were not helping my nerves.

"Hey hunter!" Edric said, shuffling through the crowd toward me. "So you didnt decide to ditch me."

"Why would I-" I began to say before talking his wrist and guiding him into the hall.

There was only so much loud music I could take.

"Why would I ditch you Edric?" I continued, looking up at him.

"Because of . . . earlier today?" Edric gestured at his face, which was once again concealed with the galder stone.

"Uh Edric..." I said, my heart suddenly beginning to race. It was now or never. "I like-"

"There you to are!" Amity said, running up, willow and luz right behind her

"Apparently bosha is grom queen this year and its gonna start in a minute!" Luz said, out of breath.

"Isnt she the bitch that always picks on you and your friends?" Ed asked, a slight smile passing his face. "Bet shes gonna get her ass kicked."

Never it is.

Edrics pov:

Bosha ended up winning, not that I was paying as much attention (my mind was occupied)

What was hunter about to say to me?

Uh Edric... I like emotionally tormenting you. I only came so i could call you ugly and insecure in front of the entire school

Uh Edric... I like Emria, thats why im trying to get closer to you. You mean nothing to me and your crush on me makes you look fucking pathetic- You think I havent nodiced? Titan your stupid.

"Edric do you want to go dance?" Hunter said, breaking me from my thoughts.

Ah hear it comes, Hes going to lead me to where everyone can see before he-

"Are you alright? hey we can just head out if you want." Hunter said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No im fine lets go dance." I said, wiping my eyes. "Im fine."


Oops i accidentally dragged the confilict out another chapter :3

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