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Hunters pov:

It was Saturday afternoon, Edric and I were hanging out by the pond.

After eating our sandwiches we were deep in conversation about the possibility of a club, and wild magic in general until Edric brought up something else.

"So...We like each other." He began. My face turned a little red.


"Are we boyfriends then?"

My face turned even redder. "If you want to be."

Edric smiled at me, his eyes lingering on my face a bit longer then usual. "Yeah, I would like that a lot."

"Sweet." I replied, awkwardly holding out my hand to his.

It took a second for Edric to take the hint, before he looked away shyly, lacing his fingers in mine.

"Ive dated so many people." Edric said, still looking away. "Why am I so nervous now?"

"I make you nervous?" I replied, voice higher then usual.

"Guess so." He replied.

We drifted into silence, still holding hands.

Edrics pov:

I was internally panicking.

Last night hardly felt real. The fact we were sitting together now (officially dating) kinda blew my mind.

Hunter was zoning out next to me, a gentle smile on his face as he looked over at the sparkling water. He was so handsome I could barely function. His hair, his eyes, his smile.

I just wanted to lean over and kiss him.

"Your staring at me again." Hunter smirked.

"Ah- Sorry." I muttered, quickly looking away.

"I dont mind." Hunter shrugged, "Anyway, Ill talk to Eda about the club when I get home."

Hunters pov:

. . . (eda and hunter talked off screen bc i didnt want to write it)

"Hey hunter! I heard you and Eda talking about a wild magic club? Can I join?"

"Yeah! We need more members anyway."

"So..." Luz said, breaking into her usual mischievous grin, "Hows it going with you and Edric?"

I blushed, "were dating now"

"Yess!!" Luz squealed, "Tell me all the details."

I grinned. "So I confessed and apparently he likes me back! We kissed, and we danced, and we kiss- oh wait i said that already- anyway it just makes me really happy because Edric is like the most amazing person ever! And hes so handsome to- like his eyes are such a pretty gold and his hair is so soft but in a rough way? If that makes any sense- oh also we like all the same things! can you believe it? Hes just so nice all the time and hugging him is just the nicest feeling ever for no reason I just... just..."

My eyes met Luzes.

"Go on.." She said, her smile somehow even wider, only now it felt less teasing and more genuine.

"I-" I went red, putting my hands up to my face. "Ah i really just told you all of that."

"Yup!" Luz smiled, "I would tease you more but im honestly glad he makes you so happy- The way you talked about him is kind of how I feel about Amity."

"That explains a few things." I sighed, letting my hands drop to my sides. (though i was still feeling a bit embarrassed) "Wanna go get supper?"

"Sure." Luz replied.

"And Luz?"


"This conversation never happened."

"My lips are sealed." She winked.



feeling a bit down bc the new episode leaked and i was spoiled for a few things. Respeect the creators and please do not share spoilers or spread it around.

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