A situation

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Edrics pov:

In my opinion, Friday couldn't come fast enough. I couldn't focus for the rest of the week, always watching the class and slipping into daydreams.

It had been a long wait, but the day eventually came.

The bell rang and I stood up, looking around the room for my crush.

"Edric are you coming?" There was a tap on my shoulder. It was Hunter.

"There you are." I smiled, "Yeah im coming, I just need to stop at my locker real quick."

After grabbing my bag Hunter and I joined Luz and her friends outside.

"So how long have you been together?" Amity asked passively, taking Luzes hand.

"We're not dating." I said, glancing at Hunter.

"Oh really." Luz stopped, "Willow said she saw you to in town together, she said you were "Boyfriends."

"Speaking of willow where is she?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"She promised her professor she would help him with the new plants." Gus grinned, "Shes going to come later, anywayy i want details"

"We- We're not dating!" I said.

"Yeah we're not." Hunter shrugged.

I looked over at Hunter, starting to panic a little.

"What am i supposed to say!" I hissed.

"I didn't think this far! Of course willow would have mentioned us!" Hunter whispered back, his eyes wide.

"Hunter and I are actually going to take a shortcut." I said, grabbing his hand.

With that the two of us turned off the path and dragged the two of us off into the woods.

* * *

Hunters pov:

After a few minutes later Edric and I plopped down under a tree and let out a breath.

"Oh titan what are we going to do." Hunter groaned, "If im honest Luz is never going to let me hear the end of it- and if we say we broke up its gonna make things even more awkward."

"Yeah." Edric said, face in his hands.

We sat ther for a while brainstorming, occasionally tossing ideas back and forth but none of them were good enough.

"What if...." Edric said after a prolonged scilence, "What if . . . "

"What do you mean?" I asked, not really catching what he said. I was much to busy studying his face, the way he hummed a little when he thought, and how his cheeks were a light shade of pink. The way his eyes glittered in the sun-

"I said what if we just let them think we're together!" Edric said louder.

"Oh. ohhhhh.." I said, finally caching on. "So we can fake a breakup later and make it seem more natural!"

Edric was so smart. I thought, going back to staring "Edric has such a cute face." I thought.

"Pardon?" Edric said, his face reddening. "You think im-"

"No! Sorry I accidentally thought aloud." I grinned apologetically before realizing saying that didn't make the situation any better. "Uhm... Lets just leave. The others are probably back at the owl house by now."


I  a m  s o  s o r r y   f o r  n o t  u p d a t i n g  i n  a  m o n t h  o m g

Im gonna try be consistant now oml

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