Ditching school

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Edrics pov:

"This blows." I sighed, glancing over at hunter.

"The class?"


"I mean I usually like school but . . ." Hunter trailed off. "Today has been abnormally boring."

"Wanna ditch?" I casually suggested.

Hunter scanned the room of sleeping classmates.

I know who hes looking for.

"Willow left like five minutes ago." I huffed. Feeling a little jelous. (again)

"Oh ok." Hunter said, "Want to go find her?"

Hiding my disappointment I nodded, getting up. Hunter quick to follow.

"Shes probably in the greenhouse."

"Yeah sure." I took Hunters hand and we crept down the hall together, quietly avoiding the patroll.

Before I knew it the walk was over and Hunter let go of my hand.

For a second I reached out to take it again. Selfishly not wanting it to end- pulling away at the last second as Hunter swung open the heavy wooden door.

"Oh-" I heard hunters voice catch.

"Hunter? What are you doing here?" It was willow voice. She sounded a bit . . . breathless?

Entering the greenhouse I saw what hunter was seeing.

Willow and skara standing an awkward foot away from each other, Skaras favorite lipgloss staining willows face.

"And Edric?" Skara asked, sounding vaugly annoyed.

"Sorry- sorry." I mumbled, grabbing hunters wrist to drag him out the door but he pulled away.

"Willow i-"

"Hunter we should leave them alone" I hissed, prodding him in the arm while fighting stabs of jelous anxiety.

Why was he going after her? Why couldent he see she wasent interested? Why couldent he see me?"

By this time Hunter was a few steps away from me, face red.

"Are you two . . . togther?"

"Yups." Skara grinned, "Since yesterday."

"oh." Hunter said, deflating.

I let out breath. "Hunter lets go."

Hunters pov:

This time I didnt pull away when Edric took my arm.

Down the hallway he lead me until we were in a private section of the liberary. Plopping down on the old carpet I breathed in the smell of dusty books, trying to calm myself.

"Uh Hunter?" Edric asked me. "Are you alright?"

"My crush has a girlfriend." I muttered, looking down so he couldent see my tears. "No Im not alright."

Even though I said it, even though I had been so sure of it, even though my heart ached, reffering to Willow as a "crush" felt a bit weird all the sudden.

Edric wrapped his arms around me. His presence was nice, comforting even.

"Edric im so confused." I said, still not looking at him. "Willow rejected me, and the plan is offically over, and she has a girlfriend. So . . ."

"So what?" Edric asked. His voice low.

"I guess i dont really know how I feel. When I saw them kissing my first thought wasnt "That should be me kissing willow" It was "Oh they're cute togther. The sad part only came when I realized my plan failed and now I would never be in a relationship . . . with her?"

"Hunter are you sure you dont just want a relationship?" Edric asked slowly and my eyes widened.

"what? No! I have a crush on Willow because she makes me happy and I look up to her? And-- and I want her specifically."

I finally looked up at Edric and he-

He looked cute. An almost smile creeping up his face, his touseled green hair just a bit messier then usual.

"Edric Willow was- is my first crush!"

"That doesnt really sound like a crush hunter." Edric suggested, looking away.

"Wait really?"



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