1. The Beginning

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There was once a prophecy : Two children would be confronted in a war between good and evil, salvation and doom. With them, the world's fate would be decided.
With time, this prophecy was forgotten, scattered like algue on the beach and with every wave that pushed the prophecy farther away, hope and faith disappeared, hope that one day the population would be freed from tyranny and blind faith in the gods...

Then finally, their story was forgotten completely.


Whilst mortals were chanting the names of divinities, the Light sect gods where gathering in Amaye's main temple, their equivalent of a conference room, so used because of its location, behind the palace where, again, lived Amaye, their king. But mostly, because the Shadow sect couldn't access the place, protected by its 'purity'.

The white sulfrin columns, a rock of incomparable beauty, dressed tens of meters up, giving the sanctuary both presence and authority. The obsidian colored table around which sat the gods was elegant and surely made out of thraunt, the dwarfs most prized discovery without any doubt : almost weightless, magnificent but most of all, one of the purest sources of magic on earth. As the king of the gods enters the sanctuary, Gutamar sits near the main chair because of her status as shadow messenger, eying the beautiful ornaments around the room, feeling suffocated because of all the luxury. She then rests her eyes on her cup, surprised at such refinement.

-It's the newest sample, made by the Elvlins, hope you enjoy it, you can take it with you when you leave if that is what you wish, says her brother, referring to the elegant craftsmanship.

And with that, Amaye takes his place on the throne. Gutamar quickly looks away, regretting any interest in the object as she detested that unwanted attention and replies bitterly.

-I don't want it and I don't want your sympathy either, brother.

The lively chatter immediately ceases and a silence as hard and dense as stone settles in the room. The insolence in the goddess' voice was apparent as well as the disrespect, but the audience already knew their monarch wouldn't react, maybe because they were siblings.

-Now, now, dear sister of mine, would you like to add anything else? he said as he took a sip of elexyr, the god's drink.

-Well yes, actually, could you tell your gnomes to stay away from my sacred forests? They keep on cutting down trees to make futile carvings and I don't think they would like it if someone cut their legs off...

-Very well then, now let's start our conference, continues Amaye ignoring the threat in Gutamar's voice.

He then stretches his arms over his head, standing up and all of the other gods imitate him, including Gutamar, even though unwillingly.

-In the name of the Light, I declare this reunion started! he says.

-And in the name of the Light, we shall listen! reply the gods in chorus.

They then sit back down and listen to their king.

-I am not going to lie to you my sisters and brothers, because we are a family, and family share secrets and thoughts, but also because sooner or later you would have understood on your very own... I have had an oracle from the universe, through a dream, and the news is dreadful, he then lowers his head, casting a shadow over his lap.

The gods immediately break into whispers, even Gutamar has her hair standing standing on her skin. Last time their king had spoken about "bad news from a dream", the entire species of the Minsks went into extinction. She then coughs, dissipating the tension a bit. Hearing this, the gods turn to her angrily except for Amaye who looks slightly amused by his sister's behaviour.

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