4. Asked to leave

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POV Aisha:

Not letting his head touch the floor, I catch Katril as fast as I can and, still confused by what had just happened, put him in the same chair from before and cover him with a curtain I had stripped from the window. I lean in to look at his wound and frown, it hadn't been other a minute and his hand had completely healed. What did he mean by he 'too was a chosen one'? And what was that earlier on, the thing with the blood and the plants and the falling to the ground? I clench my jaws. This was not supposed to happen, answers from a painful and tortured soldier, yes, discovering that there might be a 'person' like me, a chosen, no, not supposed to happen.
I lean forwards to look at him better, and realize how much he looked like a child. Such an innocent face for a person that had murdered 3 men a few minutes earlier, not that I was impressed, just, surprised. I never met nobody who would risk their life going against the will of the empire. Either they where dumb, either they had a strange definition of heroism. It is always like that, really.
I hear him grunt slightly and take a step back.

-Welcome back, 'Kalatril', Aisha, by the way, I mutter, putting one of my blue locks behind my fury ears.

He takes a few moments to assimilate what has happened and finally sighs.

-I am sorry you had to see that Aisha, the thing that happened to those men.

Ah. Apologies. Another trait of this so called heroism, he didn't need to say he was sorry, would it change what did happened ?

-No need to apologize, just eat up your food.

-How warm and kind of you-

At that same moment, the door opens and I turn, surprised, although the feeling fades quickly as I see that it is just the guy from earlier on. Was there no way that each time I started a conversation I would immediately be interrupted? I look at him. Theodor, I think? He stares at the ground with his little green emerald eyes and stands still.

-Yes?, I say, a bit nervous.

-We-Well, m-madam Green is asking you, she is in her study.

All along his speech, the small elvlin keeps on looking down.

-Alright, you can go and inform her that I will arrive shortly. Is there anything else you need to say?

I see him hesitating, and as I think he's about to leave, he adds:

-Thanks for before, a lot, I wouldn't have made it out without you, he says, raising his face that had turned a bit red.

I look at him surprised, and nod.

-No need to thank me, I did what I had to do. I am glad I was of help, and I mean it, after all, my 'godlike' existence keeps on serving its purpose, it saved a life. Really, it's okay. You don't have to feel ashamed of having had a difficult moment and having had someone to help you.

He just nods and turns back towards the door.

-Hope to see you around, I add.

He nods again and leaves after opening the door.

-Didn't expect you to be gentle.

I grunt. Him. For a short moment I had forgotten he was here. I look at him and sigh.

-I wasn't being gentle, just knocking some sense into him. It'll help him in the future. He won't get killed on duty maybe.

He rolls his eyes.

-Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.

-Eat your food up, or it will go to waste.

He looks at the plate that had been left there earlier on the table and picks at the salad leaves but doesn't really eat anything.

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