23. Whom really was your father?

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POV: Aisha

Yesterday when Chriselda told me the Lady—whose name I learned was Arabella—was horrible I excepted some low, stupid and antagonizing rich girl. What I did not expect was a frickin' nightmare.
The lady of Temur made me shiver: her sharp eyes didn't match at all her heart shaped face and contrarily to what I thought she didn't wear any elegant dresses, instead, she was covered by an outfit that looked much too simple for a woman of her social standing and her hair seemed to have been cut by a butcher.

-Get to it you morons! I want my room to look as dirty as possible, my to-be husband is going to visit in a while!

Crazy. That's what anyone would think about her, I, however didn't know what to think. Part of me thinks that the Lady might want us to consider her as crazy...

-I need someone to go fetch some more dirt from outside so one of you better get to it!, there was a short silence and I consider this my chance to find something in the manor.

-I'll go, I quickly bring my hand up and fake a small smile.

-Very well..., what's your name again?, she asks, tilting her head.

-Diana ma'm, I answer whilst giving her my fake name.

She nods and I take it as her letting me take leave before scurrying out of the peculiar room, rushing towards the stairs. I swerve around, heading straight towards the Lord's wing, if he kept a maintenance book—like most rulers did— then it should be in his study or something. I take a sharp turn in another empty hallway and try finding a door that looked more important or special, only to find myself disappointed. It seemed as though 'Lord' Admir's brother couldn't be bothered to help me in my smuggling by putting up some indications.

-Ah, screw this, I clench my fists and sigh with disappointment.

As I start heading back to the staircase to go find dirt as I was originally ment to do, I spot something. A modest looking doormat. That must be it, right? I edge closer but find myself interrupted in the middle of my advance by a very unnatural cough.

-Just what are you doing here?, there she was, the person I really didn't need to see right now, Lady Arabella.

-I...uhm, I was at lost for words, one mislip and she would dispose of me, even if I came up with a plausible explanation she would still be upset with me for taking my time.

-Looking for my grandfather's study?, she tilts her head back a little and looks up at me.

My mouth opens slightly. Her grandfather? I thought the old man would be her dad.

-I'll take your irritable silence for a yes, she then takes long strides towards me and puts her hands on my shoulders. Listen, girl, whatever you are planning on, wether it be a robbery, an assassination plan or some other nonsense...

She rolls her eyes and whilst she is distracted I try reaching for a knife in my pocket—that I had kept there under pretext that I needed to help in the kitchen later or something— and ready myself for the worst. If she tried calling the guards I would have no other chose but to slit her throat and then hide the body.

But are you capable of taking yet another life?, the child's voice that I recognize as my younger self's rings in my ears and I am tempted to shut my eyes closed, but instead, I keep my gaze on Lady Arabella.

-...then go ahead.

My eyes almost pop out as I hear her words: what did she mean by "go ahead"?! There had to be a catch, there was just no way that a noble lady of a satisfyingly wealthy family would risk having her flesh and blood get ruined.

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